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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.3 Skills forecasting

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Forecasting system(s)
  2. Skills development

Forecasting system(s)

Short-term forecasting in Latvia is carried out by the SEA. The SEA is aggregating monthly, quarterly and yearly labour market surveys, based on the available operational information about registered unemployed persons and the information obtained from employers’ surveys. However, it is evident that the above mentioned information is insufficient for objective forecasting. Therefore, the list of occupations in demand on the labour market is developed and approved by a special Commission, involving the representatives of line ministries (Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Economics), municipalities, social partners (Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia), non-governmental organizations, the academic field, associations and other institutions. Short-term forecasts are available here (in Latvian).

The Ministry of Economics is the institution responsible for coordination of medium- and long-term labour market forecasting in the country. The Ministry of Economics also elaborates labour market development scenarios, as well as medium- and long-term forecasts. The Advisory Council for Labour Market Forecasts operates under the authority of the Ministry of Economics and comprises representatives from the involved institutions and social partners. The task of the Council is to ensure inter-institutional cooperation by assessing the prepared forecasts and searching solutions for further actions. Forecasts of the Ministry of Economics are available here (in Latvian)

The Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Latvia also participate in the strategic forecasting of the country’s macroeconomic development, and the forecasts of international and EU institutions are taken in count while developing the national forecasts.

Skills development

In the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, great attention is paid to different training programmes (vocational training programmes implemented by the MoES or the SEA where one can acquire qualification and profession, as well as non-formal education programmes – language studies, acquisition of computer skills and other skills) that ensure acquisition of a future profession or professional qualification. The training programmes will be evaluated in order to ensure their compliance with the needs of the labour market and the demand of employers. Young people, who are not able to make an informed choice regarding their future profession, are involved in the programme “Youth Workshops” where they can try different professional activities in order to make a more informed decision about their future profession. Young people, who have acquired vocational and higher education, will be offered non-formal education programmes and an opportunity to gain first work experience in “First Work Experience for Youth” and “Development of the Skills Necessary for Work in the Non-Governmental Sector”. If young people are interested, and if they wish, they would be given an opportunity to get involved in activities for entering self-employment and business start-ups.

The activity to employ students during summer holidays that was launched in 2014 was also pursued in 2015. The aim of the measure “Employment Measures during Summer Holidays for Persons Acquiring Education at General, Special or Vocational Educational Institutions” is to promote short-term employment during summer holidays in state co-funded work places for students aged 15–20 (included) if they acquire education at general, special or vocational educational institutions.

As a result, students acquire work skills, abilities and experience at the same time ensuring financial support to their families. In order to ensure employment opportunities for students, 50% of the minimum monthly salary were covered by the SEA, but the rest – by the employer. In the employment measure implemented during the summer holidays of 2015, employment opportunities were provided to 3802 children. Data here.

Targeted support measures are planned for unemployed young people with disabilities and young people in disadvantageous situation registered with the SEA. They are offered subsidised employment measures, within the framework of which a workplace is established on the basis of an employment contract. Young people with disabilities and low level of education are involved in various training programmes (also e-training) in order to acquire professional qualification that is sought-after in the labour market. Young people with disabilities are also involved in other programmes of the SEA receiving subsidies for adjustment of their work place or training place, assistant's services and services of other experts that are necessary for a young person with a disability to successfully integrate in the labour market or learn.

Likewise, one of specific targets of the programme “Erasmus+” in the area of youth related to employment and entrepreneurship is to improve the most important skills and abilities of young people, including youth having less opportunities, as well as to promote involvement of young people in the democratic life in Europe and labour market, active youth citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, especially increasing opportunities for mobility of young people with the purpose to learn, persons who are actively involved in the work with youth or youth organisations, and youth leaders, and strengthening links between the youth field and the labour market.