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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.3 National youth strategy

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Youth Strategy
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority for the implementation of the Youth Strategy
  4. Revisions/updates

Existence of a National Youth Strategy

The National Youth and Sports Policy Document (Ulusal Gençlik ve Spor Politikası Belgesi), which is drawn up in accordance with the below provision of Article 18 of the Legislative Decree Number 638 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Dated 03/06/2011; “National Youth and Sports Policy Document is drawn up by the Ministry and submitted to the approval of the Council of Ministers with the purpose of providing coordination and cooperation between public institutions and organizations which carry out policies and activities directly or indirectly affecting young people and sports. The National Youth and Sports Policy Document is reviewed and updated in periods of four years at the latest. In the updating process of the National Youth and Sports Policy Document, recommendations of the relevant public institutions and organizations, sports federations and non-governmental organizations are taken into consideration.”, is passed on with the Cabinet Decision dated 26/11/2012 and No 2012/4242 and took effect after being published on the Official Gazette dated 27/01/2013 and No 28541.

Scope and contents

The vision of youth policies is to provide opportunities and to establish a ground where young people can truly realize their own potentials as individuals who have universal and humanitarian values, respect for the environment, a sense of social belonging, who participate actively in social life, make use fundamental rights and liberties efficiently and who are committed to national and moral values, are informed, self-confident, active and enterprising and at a level to be able to compete with their peers in the international arena.

The main objectives of youth policies are;

  • To place the perception about youth on a correct ground
  • To determine the needs, expectations and concerns of young people,
  • To determine institutions and organizations working on youth and to ensure cooperation and coordination among them,
  • To provide necessary support and encouragement in order to enable and strengthen the activities of the non-governmental organizations in the field of youth,
  • To use resources in a way that fully contributes to the development of youth,
  • To support the personal and social development of young people,
  • To develop consciousness of young people as citizens,
  • To help young people fulfil their potential by taking into consideration the needs of diverse young groups.

National Youth and Sports Policy Document (Ulusal Gençlik ve Spor Politikası Belgesi) consists of two chapters and 20 main policy areas. First chapter of the Document is “Youth Policies” and the second chapter is “Sports Policies”. Youth Policies chapter contains 13 main policy areas. These main policy areas are:

  • Education and Lifelong Learning,
  • Family,
  • Ethics and Humanitarian Values,
  • Employment, Entrepreneurship and Vocational Training,
  • Disadvantaged Young People and Social Inclusion,
  • Health and Environment,
  • Democratic Participation and Civic Consciousness,
  • Culture and Art,
  • Science and Technology,
  • Youth in the International Area and Intercultural Dialogue,
  • Utilizing Free Time,
  • Informing Young People,
  • Voluntary Work and Mobility.

In Sports Policies chapter, there 7 main policy areas. These policy areas are:

  • Sports Management,
  • Sports Culture and Sports For All,
  • Training Elite Athletes,
  • Sports Law,
  • Disadvantaged People and Sports,
  • Athletes’ Health,
  • International Sports Organizations and Olympics.

As it can be understood from the above listed policy areas, National Youth and Sports Policy Document is prepared with a quite comprehensive content.

Responsible authority for the implementation of the Youth Strategy

In accordance with the paragraph (ç) of the article 8 of the Legislative Decree Number 638 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Dated 03/06/2011 “Carrying out preparation works for and monitoring the implementation of the National Youth and Sports Policy Document”, Ministry of Youth and Sports is assigned to carry out related works and monitor the implementation of the Document. In addition to this, public organizations are determined to collaborate in each area which constitute the youth policy.


In accordance with the below provision of Article 18 of the Legislative Decree Number 638 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Dated 03/06/2011; “National Youth and Sports Policy Document is drawn up by the Ministry and submitted to the approval of the Council of Ministers with the purpose of providing coordination and cooperation between public institutions and organizations which carry out policies and activities directly or indirectly affecting young people and sports. The National Youth and Sports Policy Document is reviewed and updated in periods of four years at the latest. In the updating process of the National Youth and Sports Policy Document, recommendations of the relevant public institutions and organizations, sports federations and non-governmental organizations are taken into consideration.”, update works are organized in periods of four years.

Revision and update works of the Youth and Sports Policy Document which is an important compound of legislation on youth in Turkey is in progress and it is planned that these works are concluded by passing a new Youth and Sports Policy Document as of 2016.