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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.4 Youth volunteering at national level

Last update: 20 February 2024
On this page
  1. National Programme for Youth Volunteering
  2. Funding
  3. Characteristics of youth volunteering
  4. Support to young volunteers
  5. Quality Assurance (QA)
  6. Target groups

National Programme for Youth Volunteering

The the National Programme for Youth Volunteering (Order on Description of the Organization of the Youth Voluntary Service) defines the principles of organization of youth volunteering in Lithuania, its implementation organization of their work and financing of volunteering activities.  The goals within the Action plan of the national youth policy for 2023-2027 also determines the importance of voluntarism and sets up the goal of creation the conditions in order to implement the volunteering activities. In addition, The Plan of Measures for the Implementation of the National Youth Policy Development Programme points out the measures, how, when and who has to implement the goal. Action Plan for the periods of 2023-2027 which has the objective 1.1.  to develop the citizenship of young people, encouraging them to participate in the activities of youth organizations, voluntary activities and other civic activities; 1.1.2. Select and finance organizations organizing voluntary activities, provide them with methodological assistance, organize the implementation of the JST (youth voluntary services) model in order to involve young people in voluntary activities.

In 2020 the Parliament approved the amendments to the Law on Medical Practice No. XIIIP-4503 (2), which aim to create effective legal preconditions for the medical volunteering in Lithuania by legalizing the possibility of voluntary and unpaid medical practice of doctors providing complex palliative care. A doctor (except a resident doctor), has the right to practice medicine on a voluntary basis under the Law on Volunteering in a health care institutions providing inpatient, outpatient and (or) day hospital palliative care. The doctor can practices medicine on a voluntary basis in accordance with the competences established by the Minister of Health. This amendment opened possibilities for young medical professionals to practice their profession on a voluntary basis. 


Volunteering organisers might receive funding for the development of volunteering activities from the following sources: the national budget through projects, EU funding, donors, support from charities, membership fees, charges for services provided, and 1.2% of income tax. Also Agency of Youth Affairs announces funding tenders for organizations hosting volunteers.

Characteristics of youth volunteering

There is no official statistics collected on youth volunteering within or outside of the program’s measures. Hence, it is difficult to capture trends, effects on specific target groups and main fields where activities take place. Some information is available on the website of the Agency of Youth Affairs or media. 

Support to young volunteers

There are special provisions mentioned in the Law of Volunteering concerning legal obligations of both an organization and a volunteer. However, there are no support measures for young volunteers beyond the level of individual organization. Despite that, the majority of voluntary organizations provide support and training to young volunteers themselves. These organizations provide volunteers with the advice and knowledge that would ensure a successful outcome to their voluntary work. Volunteer support (mentoring, training etc.) is mostly conducted by more experienced or former members of voluntary organizations. Support is highly dependent on resources available to the individual organization. Some organizations measure the effectiveness of their support using questionnaires, having discussions, and observing volunteer work. Larger organizations have well developed training and support plans. 

Volunteering opportunities in Lithuania can be found on these platforms: 






Volunteering opportunities abroad can be found here: 



Quality Assurance (QA)

Agency of Youth Affairs issues a national certificate of the volunteer activities coordinated or implemented by the Agency itself (more see there). The Agency also aims to include volunteering experience into the youth pass - a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work.  Some volunteer organizations have their own standards of quality and quality regulations (e.g. European Solidarity Corps). In 2020 The Agency of Youth Affairs adopted the Description of the quality and supervision procedure for the implementation of the Youth Voluntary Service. This document is aimed at improving standard of quality of volunteering. 

Order Approval of the description of the accreditation procedure for youth volunteer organizations has been adopted in 2019 by the Department of Youth (now - Agency of Youth Affairs). New document adopted in 2023 is here. Applicant organizations can receive 3-year accreditation. Organizations that have been accredited in the Youth Voluntary Service or Discover Yourself projects can apply for re-accreditation. The updated accreditation procedure provides for the development of all organizations, therefore each organization will receive recommendations for the improvement of its activities upon application and meeting with the expert, regardless of the final decision of the expert. In this way, the aim is for youth volunteer hosting organizations to be innovative and responsive to the changing needs of young people.

Accreditation of a youth volunteer host organization consists of 3 stages:

1. Application Submission - Organizations seeking accreditation or re-accreditation must complete an application that provides information about the organization, its activities, and its plans. If the organization intends to host volunteers at more than one location, the application must include all mentors working with the volunteers in the units. 

2. Evaluation of the application and meeting - the application of the organization is evaluated by the staff of the Department of Youth Affairs and external experts who meet with the representatives of the organization.

3. Decision and recommendations - After the meeting with the organization, the experts make a decision on accreditation based on the information provided in the application of the organization and during the meeting and prepare recommendations for further development of the organization.

If an organization has already been accredited through a Youth Voluntary Service or Discover Yourself project, it can apply for re-accreditation. During re-accreditation, the organization will also have to submit an application, a meeting with experts will take place, and the organization will receive expert recommendations.  

Organizations that have been awarded the European Solidarity Corps quality mark, the accreditation of host organizations is provided in a simplified manner.

Target groups

Lithuanian youth policy is aimed to be inclusive. The National Program on Youth Volunteering aims to include any young person willing to volunteer (see also: Order on Description of the Organization of the Youth Voluntary Service). The only target group defined in supporting guidelines on long-term (3-4 month long) volunteering is the group of 15-29 year old persons not in education and not in employment. Short-term volunteering is available to all youth.