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2. Voluntary Activities

2.8 Raising awareness about youth volunteering opportunities

Last update: 27 December 2024
On this page
  1. Information providers
  2. Key initiatives

Information providers

Youth Voluntary Service (JST) is an intensive 6-month period program for young people aged 14 to 29, during which young people volunteer 40 hours / month at a selected accredited host organization, meet once a month with a mentor appointed by the volunteering organization and learn to overcome difficulties, translate experience into benefits. The JST program is an opportunity not only to discover a pleasant course of activity, but also to get to know oneself better and to develop general competencies. For organizations, it is an opportunity to become an accredited volunteer-hosting organization, a place where a young person can volunteer. The organization commits the volunteer to make 40 hours. A monthly volunteering plan (schedule) that matches the volunteer's competencies and is meaningful to both the volunteer and the organization itself. The curator undertakes to train the young person, to educate and support them during the service.

2020 The JST program is recognized with 0.25 entrance points to Lithuanian higher education institutions.

European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps is a program of the European Union that gives young people (18-30 years old) the opportunity to volunteer, do internships, work, implement their own projects - to create benefits for local or pan-European communities.

Volunteering projects

Individual volunteering projects give young people the opportunity for 2-12 months. to volunteer full-time at an organization of your choice in your country or abroad.

Group volunteering projects lasting 2 weeks. - 2 months, allows a group of 10-40 young people from at least two countries to work full-time in solidarity activities.

3-month international volunteering under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs is also recognized.

3-month international volunteering under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs is recognized as 0.25 admission points to Lithuanian higher education institutions.

The website contains a free database of more than 300 organizations offering volunteer activities. Eurodesk Lithuania also advises on voluntary activities. There are 57 Eurodesk regional representatives in Lithuania, whose purpose is to provide information and advice on youth issues, including voluntary activities in municipalities.

Additional information is available on dedicated websites


Key initiatives

2022 has been declared the year of volunteering. The aim was not only to mark the decade of legalization of volunteering in Lithuania, but also to draw attention to the importance of public involvement in voluntary activities and the contribution of volunteers in contributing to the control of the consequences of Covid-19, and from the beginning of the 2022 year  to volunteer with Ukrainian war refugees and others. There were various campaigns on television and in the media, inviting you to volunteer especially in these two directions.

Volunteering publicity events are financed by measures 1.1.6 "Strengthening community activities in municipalities" of the 2022 Action Plan for Strengthening Non-Governmental Organizations and Community Activities from the state budget (info here)

After the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, later when the quarantine took effect and restrictions on the movement of the population, the activities of volunteers became especially important in ensuring the care of vulnerable people, providing them with essential items, controlling public order or ensuring the operation of hospitals and nursing facilities.

Due to the war in Ukraine and its refugees, organizations was looking and are still looking  for volunteers who are physically strong and can help load humanitarian aid items, and those who can contribute by registering, consulting, interpreting and in other ways ensuring smooth communication between lithuanians and ukrainians. It is not uncommon for organizations to look for volunteers with specific education or skills, such as those who know how to communicate with children or who are not afraid of animals, who can provide psychological support or who have a valid driver's license.

in 2021 "Socialinis veksmas" public institution initiated and supported "Active Citizens Fund" project "SAVA platform". The main purpose of this platform is to provide an easy tool for volunteers to find meaningful activities that interest them, and not for profit and other organizations to gather support for one-time or ongoing activities. Experts of the organization The expert distinguishes the three most popular types of voluntary activities: help in environmental management (especially in the warm season), volunteering at the "Food Bank" and help in times of crisis - during the pandemic, the migrant crisis and due to the war in Ukraine (more - here). In 2022, when the organization celebrated its 1 year anniversary, it announces that the future plans of the "SAVA platform" include removing obstacles to volunteering, further recruitment of volunteers, popularizing volunteering among young people, working people, families and the elderly, and helping organizations facing challenges in finding and retaining volunteers (info from there).

Often the "Maisto bankas" organization invites volunteers to contribute to the collection and distribution of support through various media channels. Other initiatives included specific volunteering campaigns by Jaunimo linija.