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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.7 Cross-border mobility in employment, entrepreneurship and vocational opportunities

Last update: 27 December 2024
On this page
  1. Programmes and schemes for cross-border mobility
  2. Legal framework

Programmes and schemes for cross-border mobility

Lithuania participate in EURES program. EURES services to jobseekers and employers include:

  • Matching of job vacancies and CVs on the EURES portal.

  • Information and guidance and other support services for workers and employers.

  • Access to information on living and working conditions in the EU member states.

  • Support to specific groups in the context of EURES targeted job mobility scheme.

  • Support to dynamic recruitment events through the European (Online) Job Days platform.

  • Information on and access to post-recruitment assistance, such as language training and support with integration in the destination country.

Also Lithuania participate in EU Erasmus Programme for Youth Entrepreneurs. This program helps the future entrepreneurs gain the skills needed to set up and (or) the successful management of a small company in Europe. New entrepreneurs are gaining skills and exchanging knowledge and business ideas with an experienced entrepreneur who has been in contact with and has been in business for one to six months. The stay is partly financed by the European Union.

EU programs, including cross-border mobility programs and schemes, are administered by the Agency of Youth Affairs, established on July 1, 2021 after the reorganization of the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor and the Youth International Cooperation Agency. The agency provides information on opportunities to participate in the European Union program Erasmus+ Youth, youth exchange, European voluntary service, mobility of youth workers, strategic partnerships, structural dialogue projects and their organizational possibilities. Participation in other programs usually takes place through the cooperation of individual organizations.

Municipalities also contribute by organizing events that help to find employment in Lithuania, for example the event "Land and Job in Vilnius". In November 2021, "IH Vilnius" was opened - a one-stop service center that provides services and consultations to foreigners on migration, taxes, social insurance, employment and other topics relevant to every new resident of Vilnius - a foreigner.

The Startup Visa is a talent attraction scheme that provides a streamlined entry process to the Lithuanian startup ecosystem for innovative non-EU entrepreneurs to build, grow and compete in our booming international community. Designed for innovative startup founders who wish to establish a startup in Lithuania. They no longer need to fulfil certain capital or employment requirements to obtain a residence permit. If a business idea is deemed suitable by a panel of experts, persons will be able to apply for a temporary residence permit on such basis. The Startup Visa will allow to live in the country for two years, with the possibility to extend for an additional up to five years, after which general immigration requirements must be met.

Legal framework

The legal environment in Lithuania is becoming more favorable towards foreigners, it is becoming easier for them to get a job. The business need to recruit talent from abroad also contributes strongly to this.

General provisions on entry and stay, taxes or social security apply to all residents, regardless of age. Information on the arrival of EU and non-EU citizens to Lithuania and the right to reside, applicable taxes can be found on the website of the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, on the website of the Migration Information Center Renkuosi Lietuvą and on the website of the Lithuanian Public Employment Service

About the employment of third-country nationals - the employment relations of a foreigner are regulated by:

  1. Law of the Republic of Lithuania "On the Legal Status of Foreigners".

  2. Description of the procedure for issuing seasonal work permits to foreigners, approved by the order of the Minister of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania of May 15, 2017 no. A1-253 "On approval of the description of the procedure for issuing seasonal work permits to foreigners and the list of seasonal work".

  3. Labor Code of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts.

War refugees from Ukraine are exempted from the obligation to obtain a work permit in the Republic of Lithuania, therefore employers of the Republic of Lithuania intending to employ them do not have to apply to the Employment Service for the issuance of such documents.