2.5 Cross-border mobility programmes
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EU programmes
The main source of international youth volunteering in Lithuania is the European Solidarity Corps, which is administered and coordinated by the Agency of Youth Affairs in Lithuania.
There are separate non-governmental organizations that take care of international youth volunteering programs. They first receive the accreditation of the European Voluntary Service (abbreviated hereafter - EVS) organization that sends, receives and coordinates volunteers. For example, the Socialinis veiksmas (Social Action) organization has been working to develop quality volunteering in Lithuania and beyond since 2005, coordinating European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering projects (accepting and sending young people). Rietava's youth center also runs international programs.
The public institution Actio Catholica Patria is one of the first youth activity organizations in Lithuania, actively operating since 1991 and providing social and cultural services to young people. "A.C. Patria" helps young people and organizations discover volunteering opportunities in Lithuania and abroad, advises on local and international volunteering issues.
Other Programmes
Lithuania also participates in other international volunteering programs. There is an information platform about opportunities for independent volunteering abroad for young people. Here are links to organizations and programs where young people can choose to volunteer, e.g.:
1. Conservation Volunteers Australia; Australia or New Zealand; duration from 1 to 6 weeks.
2. Global Aware. 17 locations: Peru, Costa Rica, Thailand, Cuba, Nepal, Brazil, Cambodia, Guatemala, Laos, Vietnam, India, Jamaica, Romania, Ghana, Mexico, China. Duration – 1 week.
3. Uvolunteer program. in Africa, Asia, South, Latin and Central America. Duration - from 2 weeks and longer.
4. Etc.
Also information about volunteering opportunities in Africa is available here. Volunteering in Africa is possible in the following areas: child care in kindergartens, children's training and care in special centers. The usual duration of the program is 2-4 weeks.
Legal framework applying to foreign volunteers
There are no special legal requirements, bilateral international agreements or special visa regulations to foreign volunteers. Visa policy and residence permits and other potential conditions that young volunteers will be subjected to depend on their country of origin. Detailed information can be found on Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania website.
Relevant information for arriving foreigners is also published on the website of the International Organization for Migration. The Migration Information Centre (MIC) provides information about:
1. Key information about Lithuania.
2. Tailored-made information for persons displaced from humanitarian crisis areas, political prisoners, and exiles of Lithuanian descent.
3. Steps to take before the return and first steps in Lithuania.
4. Citizenship related questions.
5. Housing and declaration of place of residence.
6. Real estate and financial government subsidies for housing.
7. Aggregation of employment periods abroad.
8. Transferability of social security rights and benefits.
9. Health insurance and compulsory health insurance.
10. Education and support for returning children.
11. Recognition of foreign qualifications in Lithuania.
12. Opportunities for youth to study and trainings in Lithuania.
13. Driving and driver’s licenses.
14. Labor market trends and employment opportunities.
15. Taxes/finances.
16. Special programs for returnees and exiles.
17. Adaptation and (re)integration in Lithuania.
18. Psychological support.
19. Arrival of family members – foreigners.