5.8 Raising political awareness among young people
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Information providers / counselling structures
Youth-targeted information campaigns about democratic rights and democratic values
Promoting the intercultural dialogue among young people
Promoting transparent and youth-tailored public communication
Information providers / counselling structures
Lithuania is a member of EYCA, Eurodesk. However, information provider / counselling structures raising political awareness among young people are in the developing stage. The spread of digital media has a considerable impact on the availability of information for young people in Lithuania. Social networks remain among the most popular websites and compete with news media for visitor attention. Young people aged 15–29 have the highest membership rate (80 percent and above (TNS/Gallup reports). NGO’s povide lots of printed material with various information on youth issues. Some media (youth magazines) which is dedicated for youth by youth, and the information/ brochures/ information leaflets by youth exist.
Youth-targeted information campaigns about democratic rights and democratic values
From 2021 The Lithuanian Ministry of Social Security and Labor started providing recommendations to other ministries on measures or challenges related to youth policy in the field of their management.
However, the majority of citizen voices in Lithuania (including young persons) are still indirect, mostly expressed through personal blogs or petitioning (Mapping Diigital Media, 2011). Petition sites (Peticijos.lt, peticijos.com, openpetitions.org and other) seem to be most popular, with some appeals digitally “signed” by tens of thousands of people.
The E-citizen (e-pilietis) is a space for dialogue between government and society. On this website, you can apply to state institutions, participate in public consultations or otherwise discuss the Government's decisions. Here you can register for meetings with ministers or tours in the Government building and learn more about the idea of an open state.
Promoting the intercultural dialogue among young people
No generally accepted concept exists to raise awareness of young persons on the advantages and problems associated with multicultural cooperation in order to emphasize its positive contribution to Lithuanian society.
Promoting transparent and youth-tailored public communication
The program of “Young Journalists” in Lithuania is a good example of youth participation in promoting transparent and youth-tailored public communication. This programme is an educational programme for young publicists is a system that identifies talented young journalists, motivates, supports them and provides information to enable them for socially responsible actions. Even during the formation of the future journalists’ writing skills, the objective information based on the experience of the Lithuanian NGOs, vulnerable groups of the society, media experts working in the social field, is provided. Young journalists have the opportunity to interact directly with vulnerable groups of the society, thus learn more and overcome prejudices. The unique structure of the programme helps to touch the essence of the social problems and maintain an objective position in the public life news. During the formation of journalistic skills it enables young generation of socially responsible writing. National educational programme for young publicists seeks to change the portrayal of vulnerable groups of the society and contribute to the objective, ethical and competent media education.
In 2023, training for young journalists initiated by the European Parliament (EP) took place in Lithuania, the aim of which is to strengthen independent, professional and responsible journalism in the field of European affairs. The training of young journalists is a new program of the EP, which has been taking place in different countries of the European Union since this year. It aims to enable young journalists at an early stage of their careers to deepen their understanding of EU affairs and the European Parliament in particular, to help them gain the necessary experience, to establish business contacts with colleagues from different media outlets and the European Parliament.