1.8 Cross-border cooperation
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Cooperation with European countries
In order to strengthen the youth policy in Lithuania and transfer good experience, the Youth Affairs Agency actively cooperates with Flanders, Latvia and Estonia. On a protocol basis, it shares its experience with Germany and Sakartvel, and since 2007 it has been promoting youth cooperation by financing youth projects between Lithuanian and Polish youth, and since 2015 - Lithuanian and Ukrainian youth projects.
The Agency of Youth Affairs represents Lithuania in the Baltic Sea States-Expert Group on Youth Affairs, meetings of the European Network of Youth Knowledge (EuNYK), working groups of the European Knowledge Center for Youth Policy (EKCYP) andmeetings of the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ).
Agreements on international cooperation in the field of youth at the state level are signed with Hungary, Germany, Ukraine and Azerbaijan and other countries (here). Bilateral agreements:
1. The Federal Republic of Germany has been cooperating with the Republic of Lithuania in the field of youth policy since June 1, 1994. An agreement was signed between the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Federal Republic of Germany Brandenburg on cooperation in the field of youth in 2021-2022:
Challenges and good practices in working with young people during the spread of the COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) (hereinafter - COVID-19).
Development of smart methods of working with youth, improvement of competences of persons working with youth in this field.
2. Agreement between the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary regarding the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Hungary regarding the implementation of the Stefanos Bator Lithuania-Hungary Youth Cooperation Fund (signed on November 6, 2015 in Budapest). It is intended to finance projects. The amount of funds allocated for the fund's activities and administration costs is determined annually by the Contracting Parties exchanging diplomatic notes until January 31 of the current year.
3. Since 1997 an Agreement was signed with Poland on youth cooperation and exchange. It was agreed to support cooperation and contacts between the youth of both countries in the following areas:
Common knowledge of the cultural, scientific and economic achievements of both societies.
Organization of joint events that popularize and deepen the youth's knowledge of another country.
Development of youth exchanges in the fields of collective and individual tourism, sports and recreation.
Practical classes, trainings and internships and other events, the purpose of which is to deepen the knowledge of young people and professional qualification raising, organization.
Youth cooperation and exchange between youth organizations and societies, educational and study institutions.
Organization of joint meetings and seminars dedicated to the study of common history and relations between the Lithuanian and Polish peoples, which would serve to bring the young generation of both countries closer together.
Cooperation of young parliamentarians, members of municipal councils, officials, actors of political and public organizations.
Youth associations and institutions and institutions and organizations engaged in or working with youth education, cooperation and exchange of experience.
Organization of joint youth events aimed at the protection and care of historical, cultural and artistic monuments of both countries.
Organization of events for the protection of nature and the environment.
Fight against pathological phenomena (for example, such as: alcoholism and drug addiction) among young people and their prevention.
Organization of joint youth events in the field of social assistance.
Preparation of charitable, rehabilitation and wellness actions for children and youth;
Supporting youth contacts and developing cooperation in the field of public information tools.
Organization of joint youth events for trade and economy.
Cooperation and exchange of youth living in border areas.
Will encourage the participation of youth with disabilities in the implementation of this Agreement.
4. On June 1, 2007, an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the Lithuanian-Polish Youth Exchange Fund was signed in Polotsk (entered into force on September 7, 2007).
5. Agreement between the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of youth (signed on March 18, 2021 in Kyiv). Areas of cooperation:
formulation and implementation of state youth policy;
formation and implementation of regional youth policy;
expansion of work with youth;
development of institutions working with youth, especially youth centers;
research on issues of youth policy implementation;
exchange of information, best practices in the formation and implementation of youth policy;
promotion of youth participation in the implementation of youth policy.
6. December 17, 2015 An agreement between the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Sakartwello on cooperation in the field of youth affairs was signed in Vilnius. The purpose is to promote the exchange of information and experience on youth issues, to support the cooperation of organizations, etc.
7. Agreement between the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of youth policy (signed on May 22, 2023 in Vilnius). Areas of cooperation:
involvement of youth in civil society and public policy processes;
development of voluntary activities;
development of work with youth;
promotion of intersectoral cooperation;
promotion of youth mobility;
youth employment.
In preparation of the Council of the Baltic Sea States’ Ministerial meeting under the Lithuanian Presidency on 1st June 2021, all young people living in the region were invited to share their vision and focal points for the region beyond 2030 in the CBSS Ministerial 2021: Youth Edition. In collaboration with the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, the Lithuanian National Youth Council (LiJOT) and the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat, youth between 16-30 years could learn from experts; listen to youth representatives; ask all their questions to the vice-Foreign Minister of Lithuania; and most importantly actively participate in shaping the future of the region (source).
International cooperation
The Agency for Youth Affairs leads international cooperation in the field of youth policy. International relations and cooperation are supported and developed in order to exchange good practices with institutions implementing youth policy in other countries, thereby contributing to the formation and implementation of evidence-based youth policy in Lithuania.
The Lithuanian democracy promotion and development cooperation program is intended to promote exchanges between youth and other policy makers on global issues. In Lithuania, the Democracy Promotion and Development Cooperation Program (executed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) finances development cooperation projects that are implemented in cooperation with other governmental and non-governmental institutions of Lithuania and partner countries.
Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations LiJOT is an active member of the largest non-governmental youth organization in Europe - the European Youth Forum. This organization aims to protect the interests of European youth and encourage them to participate more actively in society. At the European Youth Forum, together with other national pan-European youth groups, LiJOT represents the interests of tens of millions of young people across the continent.
Members of municipal youth councils represent Lithuania at the international level in various organizations: they are members of the European Parliament's youth network, participate in international contact events, etc.
Other agreements with non European countries:
On November 19, 2009, an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Canada on youth exchange was signed in Vilnius (entered into force on October 1, 2010). The purpose of the agreement is to create opportunities for young people (from 18 to 35 years old) to deepen their specialty and language knowledge, study, work during vacations in another contracting state and get to know its society and culture.
On October 1, 2015, an Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of New Zealand on the work holiday program (entered into force on January 1, 2017). The purpose of the agreement is to promote the movement of young people for the purpose of getting to know different traditions and cultures, to give citizens of both contracting states between the ages of 18 and 30 the opportunity to come to another state of the Agreement and spend a vacation in the territory of that state for up to 12 months, while giving the right to study or work for up to 6 months.
On September 2024. Expert support to Ukraine: signed plan for cooperation in the field of youth policy. The activities envisaged in the plan will be implemented until the end of 2025. The plan will contribute to increasing the well-being of youth and stronger ties between Lithuania and Ukraine. Joint activities carried out together will help young people strengthen their competences and self-confidence.