9.7 Current debates and reforms
The 2023-2027 Action Plan of the National Youth Policy notes that cooperation between the public, private and non-governmental sectors at both the national and international levels is still not sufficient, therefore the task set is to expand and improve cooperation. The purpose of the action plan is to identify measures for strengthening the implementation of the national youth policy, in order to ensure inter-agency cooperation between the public, private and non-governmental sectors, to create the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of a coherent, fact-based and knowledge-based youth policy.
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declared 2022 as the Year of the Youth of Lithuania, and not long after, the European Parliament dedicated it to the youth of Europe. The year 2022 vas truly special for the youth of Lithuania and Europe, because there was be no lack of attention to the issues they care about, either on a national or international scale (here is program). Lithuania had Marijampolė as its youth capital in 2023, and in 2025 Kretinga has been chosen as the youth capital.
In 2022 year, Lithuanian youth was celebrate two more important anniversaries - the 30th anniversary of the Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the World Lithuanian Youth Union. These organizations made a unique historical contribution by representing and uniting the youth in Lithuania and around the world.