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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.9 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 10 March 2024
On this page
  1. Forthcoming policy developments
  2. Ongoing debates

Forthcoming policy developments

The resolution on the 2019-2027 EU Youth Strategy work plan was approved. Based on the priorities set out in it, Lithuania forms a youth policy and has prepared a national youth policy plan for 2023-2027.


A model for the provision of individualized social services to the most vulnerable groups of society will be developed, focusing on the integration of young people with fewer opportunities into the labor market. The main actors involved include the Agency of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Employment Service, other policy makers.


In the National youth policy action plan for 2023-2027 notes that the resources allocated to mental health are insufficient, and the functioning system of assistance to young people is not prevention-oriented and inefficient. Therefore, in the strategic 2024-2026 of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor. the plan states that the Youth Affairs Agency is tasked with implementing the measure "Financing emotional (psychological) support services that provide emotional (psychological) support services by phone and online correspondence".


In strategical plan for 2024-2026 one of the tasks of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor is to develop a system of timely and efficient work with young people; In order to solve the challenges of youth who do not work and do not study (hereinafter - NEET) and youth with fewer opportunities (hereinafter - MGT) and to help young people experiencing challenges to integrate into social life, it is planned to develop the system of work with youth, as well as to strengthen the competencies of youth workers. During the implementation of the activities of this measure, funding will be allocated for the development of services. In the provision of complex services for NEET youth, intervention measures will be implemented, helping young people to return to the labor market and/or the education system, and preventive work will be done with MGT youth in order to strengthen their social skills and thus protect them from the possibility of becoming NEET youth. Strengthening the competencies of youth workers by developing and implementing a three-level youth worker training methodology will ensure the quality of services provided to young people. Multi-module trainings are implemented for beginners, advanced youth workers, as well as heads of institutions and projects, and targeted familiarization visits are organized to countries that successfully implement work with youth programs and service models, which will ensure the consistent improvement of employees' competencies and professionalism in providing services to the program's target groups.


Ongoing debates

In the youth policy report for 2022 and recommendations address the following areas of relevance for young people:

  • Improving the qualifications of young people and their economic employment;

  • Creating and maintaining youth social relations;

  • Youth autonomy;

  • Youth entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship promotion;

  • Youth civic and political participation;

  • Youth physical and mental health (including youth sexuality education);

  • Combining information technology and real communication.


It is emphasized that the promotion of youth entrepreneurship is insufficient; more attention is needed to physical and mental health, ensuring youth employment, etc.


Vote16 is a global advocacy campaign that aims to enable a resident of a given country to vote in elections from the age of 16. The aim of LiJOT, the Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations, is to legalize voting from the age of 16 in municipal council and mayoral elections, with the aim of developing young people's civic responsibility, raising activity in elections, as well as providing an opportunity to get involved in political decision-making. Discussions are underway in Lithuania regarding raising the voting age in municipal elections.