5. Participation
The Youth Report in Spain 2020 (Informe Juventud en España 2020) from the Youth Institute (INJUVE) pointed out that the average participation rate of under-30s in different elections is 70%. According to the Sociological Research Institute (CIS) this participation is greater in general elections, followed by local and regional elections.
The Spanish Youth Council (Consejo de la Juventud de España, CJE) is the organization responsible for promoting the participation of youth in the political, social, economic and cultural development of the State in a global environment. With the purpose of adapting the policies to the needs of those they are aimed towards, and following the Structured Dialogue (Dialogo Estructurado), an initiative launched by the European Union, the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda guarantees that representatives for youth and youth organisations actively participate in the design and application of policies and action plans for youth Employment and entrepreneurship.
Chapter 5.10 points at current debates and reforms in recent years such as the possibility of lowering the barrier of the legal age to 16 years old, so as to match it with the age of criminal adulthood or the impact of social movements on participation.