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9. Youth and the World

9.7 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 12 March 2024

The Croatian National Development Strategy until 2030, titled ‘Croatia as We Wish It until 2030’, defines developmental directions and strategic goals. These are further detailed in short-term and medium-term national plans, as well as plans for the development of local and regional units of self-administration. The strategy was adopted by the Croatian Parliament in February 2021. The desired results planned to be achieved by 2030 require the engagement of all social and administrative levels in Croatia. The institutional framework for the drafting and implementation of the National Development Strategy includes:

  • management committee
  • executive workgroup
  • information gathering and analytical background workgroup
  • thematic workgroups
  • ministries and other central governmental bodies
  • units and bodies of local and regional self-administration

The implementation of the National Development Strategy will be carried out through joint action involving all relevant bodies and institutions at all levels of administration.