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9. Youth and the World

9.7 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 28 November 2023

India-Malta Youth Dialogue


The first India-Malta Youth Dialogue on Indo-Malta Youth to Youth and Cultural Exchange Mechanism for Continuity, Consolidation and a Shared Future would serve as a great opportunity for young people to learn more about the partner country and at the same time, a great platform to know their  aspirations and vision.


The tar4get is to have young achievers from various fields - entrepreneurs, NGO leaders, researchers, students, scholars and the mainstream media. The interaction from young achievers would centre around their aspirations, their contribution to the community and what role do they envision for themselves to complement and supplement the cause.


The dialogue will be bringing together around 100 young individuals, from India and Malta laying the foundation for a partnership between young people on both sides.


This mechanism can activate youth-to-youth cooperation between India and Malta and lay a foundation for formulating comprehensive physical exchanges once the public health situation improves.


Moreover after the dialogue the idea is to move the conversation on to social media; with the launch of digital campaigns wherein young people would be invited to send short videos in sharing their ideas about our bilateral relations and how they envision the future. This would lay the basis of a strong Youth-to-Youth connection between both countries and can be instrumental in promoting cultural exchange mechanism between the two partner countries.