9. Youth and the World
9.7 Current debates and reforms
Last update: 28 November 2023
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Forthcoming policy developments
No forthcoming.
Currently, no specific policy development in this area is envisaged.
Ongoing debates
Public discussion where also young people were involved, of the draft of the International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Assistance Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia by 2030 has ended in 2020. It is yet to be seen how things will develop regarding the adoption of the strategy. So far the following activities are in progress:
- The Resolution on International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 54/17), adopted at the National Assembly in September 2017, envisaged the adoption of the Strategy, which will define in detail the individual areas of the country's activities in its international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. The activities don’t directly target youth.
- Through international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, the Republic of Slovenia, as a developed and responsible state, contributes to a more balanced and equitable global development, and assumes co-responsibility for the elimination of poverty and inequality and the achievement of sustainable development. It also contributes to facing the consequences of humanitarian crises, strengthening resilience to and prevention of crises, addressing, among other things, the root causes of migration.
- Apart from the Strategy, in line with the provisions of the Resolution, an action plan is also being prepared to gradually increase the share of gross national income for official development assistance, which will define the financial aspects of international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance of Slovenia in the future.
- As the national coordinator of international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with a recognized expert in this field, Prof. Maja Bučar, other departments involved in international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, and in consultation with NGOs, international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance institutions, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and representatives of the private sector, prepared a draft for public discussion.