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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.8 Raising Awareness about Youth Volunteering Opportunities

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Information providers
  2. Key initiatives

Information providers

As part of the youth policy, youth volunteering is addressed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. According to the Youth Act, the Minister of Youth and Sports promotes youth volunteering and the state and the municipalities promote youth volunteering through national and municipal youth programmes. The Youth Act further provides for the youth organisations’ obligation to introduce and promote good practices of youth volunteering.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports administers the National Youth Information System where it publishes diverse information and various opportunities for young people, including in the field of volunteering.

Key initiatives

In order to celebrate the International Volunteer Day on the 5th of December, the Ministry of Youth and Sports organises an annual contest VOLUNTEER’S MISSION – (IM)POSSIBLE. The initiative is aimed at outstanding young volunteers and active volunteering organisations countrywide. The objective is to promote the importance of volunteering and to encourage and disseminate the volunteering missions and events among young people and to award the most prominent ones. Usually, the nominations compete in three categories – volunteering organization, volunteering mission, and volunteer. In 2022, another category was established – humanitarian initiative. The 2022 edition of the contest was organised in cooperation with the National Youth Forum (Национален младежки форум), National Representation of Student Unions (Национално представителство на младежките съвети), Bulgarian Red Cross Youth, and Students’ Union at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Студентски съвет на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“).