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2. Voluntary Activities

2.8 Raising awareness about youth volunteering opportunities

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Information providers
  2. Key initiatives

Information providers

The main body responsible for disseminating information is the National Youth Service (Service National de la Jeunesse). It is in charge of supporting networks of volunteering organisations, assisting with young volunteers and promoting volunteering opportunities.

The Youth Information ( is another important information provider to young people. Even though it is not a specific contact point for voluntary services, the staff provides young people with information about volunteering opportunities in Luxembourg and abroad. At local level, the youth centres are in charge of disseminating information about volunteering opportunities.

The target group of the Voluntary Guidance Service differs from other voluntary services. It mainly focuses on disadvantaged young people with few or no perspectives at school or on the labour market. For this reason, this service is organised in close cooperation with other services working in the field of school-to-work transitions.

Other services also play an important role in the promotion of the Voluntary Guidance Service to youth in Luxembourg:

  • Employment Service Job Counselling (ADEM-OP; Service d'orientation professionnelle) offers individual counselling interviews as well as group information events for adolescents and adults in search of a suitable profession
  • Psychosocial and Scholastic Assistance Centre (CePAS; Centre psycho-social et d'accompagnement scolaires) provides guidance to young people to help them discover their skills and professional objectives. The CePAS also offers psychological counselling to young people and their families.

Key initiatives

Information on volunteering opportunities is disseminated in direct contact with interested young people and through information provided online.

The National Youth Service, being the main responsible body, organises so-called 'Info-Session Services Volontaires', events which take place several times a year. Young people can subscribe to receive general information on voluntary services.

The National Youth Service maintains the internet page with information available to both interested young people and to the volunteering organisations on the three main national and international voluntary programmes:

  1. National Voluntary Service (SVN; Service Volontaire National)
  2. Voluntary Cooperation Service (SVC; Service Volontaire de Coopération)
  3. European Solidarity Corps/ European Voluntary Service (Corps européen de solidarité/ SVE; Service volontaire européen).

Furthermore, the National Youth Service publishes leaflets in which young volunteers report their experiences they have gained during their voluntary service. These leaflets are distributed throughout the country to promote and raise awareness about youth volunteering opportunities in Luxembourg and abroad. The National Youth Service supports youth organisations in their efforts to mobilise more young people to engage in voluntary activities and promotes voluntary services in the framework of info-sessions which take place on a regular basis in different Luxembourg regions.