5.10 Current debates and reforms
The National Youth Strategy 2021-2030 (Национална стратегия за младежта 2021-2030) is approved by the Council of Ministers on 22.07.2021 and is pending adoption by the National Assembly.
Promotion of engagement, participation and empowerment of young people is among the main strategic objectives of the National Youth Strategy 2021-2030.
Encouraging the engagement, high-quality participation and empowerment of young people is a prerequisite for the efficiency and full-value implementation of youth policies. Ensuring high-quality engagement of young people at all levels of decision-making – local, national and European, will contribute to the establishment of democratic culture and key civic competences and should be therefore adequately supported by national youth policy.
For this purpose, the National Youth Strategy 2021-2030 foresees measures to encourage the partnership for high-quality youth participation and emplowerment in decision-making processes at local level, improvement of the existing mechanisms for high-quality youth participation in the decision-making processes at national level, and promotion and development of forms of participation in decision-making processes at European level.