8.8 Synergies and partnerships
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Synergies between public policies and programmes
Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers
Synergies between public policies and programmes
The Charter for artistic and cultural education (Charte pour l’éducation artistique et culturelle)
The production of the Charter for artistic and cultural education (Charte pour l'éducation artistique et culturelle) by the HCEAC - High Council for Artistic and Cultural Education (Haut Conseil de l’Éducation Artistique et Culturelle) presented in July 2016 is a clear sign of the intention to foster a synergy, a complementary approach between youth policies, particularly educational ones, and cultural policies in particular.
This charter brings together the stakeholders and institutions involved in artistic and cultural education around ten guiding principles for artistic and cultural education. It thus specifies that artistic education is not limited solely to the cultural sphere, but must also contribute to the "shaping and empowerment of the person and the citizen" and "factor in all of the stages in a young person's life" through an overall approach involving joint responsibility between the stakeholders delivering this education (local authorities, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Culture, etc.).
Culture and Health
For more than two decades now, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Culture have been running a joint policy bearing on access to culture for the whole hospital community: patients, elderly people, families, health workers and social workers. This is called the "Culture and health" (Culture et santé) programme.
In the regions, the interministerial partnership is materialised through agreements signed between the DRACs - Regional Departments of Cultural Affairs (Directions régionales des affaires culturelles) and the ARS - Regional Health Agencies (Agences régionales de la santé).
For example, there is a regional partnership agreement 2020-2023 on culture and health between the regional directorate for cultural affairs and the regional health agency of the Ile-de-France region.
This agreement aims to continue the development of a cultural and artistic policy towards people in health facilities in the Paris region, their relatives and the staff.
The objectives of this agreement are (incomplete list):
• Promote and support quality cultural and artistic actions in health care settings;
• Encourage health facilities;
• Structure relations with local partners involved or involved in the system (sponsors and other funders, local authorities, etc.);
• Strengthen the visibility of the Culture & Santé program in Île-de-France and promote the actions carried out;
• Foster new forms of cooperation between health structures and their links with the different cultural structures of their local area;
• Strengthen the quality of artistic proposals involving health structures;
• Develop new fields of action, especially for early childhood and disability structures, or more broadly, at all stages of childhood.
Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers
Cultural youth action is usually reliant on teamwork between various stakeholders: artists, cultural institutions, local and national authorities as well as associations. These partnerships are formally documented in contracts or agreements. It exists several types of contracts.
The CLEA - Local Artistic and Cultural Education Contract (Contrat local d'éducation artistique et culturelle)also referred to as the Territorial Artistic and Cultural Education Contract (CTEAC - Contrat territorial d’éducation artistique et culturelle)
CLEA/CTEA - Local or Territorial Artistic and Cultural Education Contracts (Contrats locaux ou territoriaux d'éducation artistique et culturelle) are contractual arrangements drawn up by the Ministry of Culture for three years, renewable, aimed at setting up and strengthening local artistic and cultural education policies. They are signed between local government (whether the Region, Département or municipality), the DRAC and the Ministry of National Education; other stakeholders can also climb aboard (foundation, association, holiday club, sociocultural centre, etc.).
CLEAs are tasked with helping children and young people in the local areas concerned to benefit from an artistic and cultural learning path.
They must enable children and young people (as well as the rest of the population) to:
- Encounter artworks, artists and cultural venues
- Try their hand at an artistic practice
- Get personally to grips with artworks, resources and cultural venues in their community
Through CLEAs, all of the partners are invited to bring their skills, remit and resources to bear on organising a shared project with the aim of making artistic and cultural education widely available.