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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 20 March 2024

Civic Service

Civic Service is a voluntary commitment public scheme in the service of the general interest, open to all young people aged 16 to 25, without qualification requirements, extended up to 30 years old for young people with disabilities.

The Civic Service, compensated 580 euros net per month, can be carried out with NGOs, local authorities (municipalities, departments or regions) or public establishments (museums, colleges, high schools ...), over a period of 6 to 12 months in France or abroad, for a mission of at least 24 hours per week.



Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. It was founded in 1949. It includes 47 member states, 28 of which are members of the European Union. All Council of Europe member states have ratified the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. The Council of Europe promotes human rights through international conventions and it monitors member states' progress in these areas, making recommendations through independent expert monitoring bodies. The Council of Europe advocates freedom of expression and of the media, freedom of assembly, equality, and the protection of minorities, among other key human rights.

Course unit

Course units (CU) are the individual elements of an academic course. Each course unit is worth a certain number of ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). This means a student will receive the full ECTS credits for each course unit they pass. They are divided into two categories: compulsory units and optional units.

Draft public finance law (Projet de loi de finances)

The draft public finance laws are a category of financial norms introduced in the Constitution, article 34 in the constitutional revision of 23 July, 2008. They are part of an approach to public finance management spanning several years, aimed at balancing the budget.

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Economic, Social, and Environmental Council   (Conseil Économique, Social, et Environnemental CESE)

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council was established in 1958.Its primary mission is to advise the public authorities on economic, social and environmental matters. It is mandatory to consider economic, social and environmental programming plans or bills. It may be seized by the Government of any bill or decree falling within its jurisdiction. . The Council has no decision-making power. It is composed of representatives of the various professional categories


Evidence-Based Youth Policies

Evidence-based youth policies are youth policies that are not only based on political and moral objectives, but also on accurate empirical information on the social situation of young people across the society and their changing expectations, attitudes and life-styles. One important source of information is independent, objective and professional research and statistics. Furthermore, reliable empirical information on the implementation of policies is needed to learn from experiences and further develop goal setting, the policy approaches and youth work methods and activities.


Family Allowances Fund  (Caisse d’allocations familiales) 

Established in 1945, the Family branch is one of the four components of the general social security system, with Sickness, Old Age and Recovery. The Family branch is organized in a network of 103 family allowance fund(Caf)  covering the entire french territory, with a National Fund for Family Allowances (CNAF. Its objective is to propose a global offer of social services as close as possible to the inhabitants, by fighting territorial and social inequalities.

The Family branch of the social security a two primary missions:

  • Helping families in their daily life, facilitating particularly the conciliation between family and professional lives;
  • Developing solidarity with the most vulnerable, including people with disabilities.

In order to fulfill these missions, it relies on two levers

  • Payment of financial benefits to families (family and social benefits, housing subsidies and social minimums such as assistance for adults with disabilities and income from active solidarity);
  • Support for families and the setting up or co-financing of various services and public facilities for them (such as the crèches).

Excerpt from La branche famille de la sécurité sociale



IGAS - General Social Affairs Inspectorate (Inspection générale des affaires sociales)

The general social affairs inspectorate is a cross ministerial body of control. IGAS audits, monitors or evaluates policies and structures. It intervenes on the request of ministers or on the basis of its programme. It deals with issues concerning the life of every citizen: employment, work and training, health, social and family policy, public or private social insurance schemes;

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Local authorities (Collectivités territoriales)

Local authorities are legal entities separate from the State and for this reason they enjoy legal and patrimonial autonomy. Municipalities, départements and regions have the status of local authorities (Constitution, art.72).

According to paragraph 3 of the Constitution, article 72, local authorities freely administer themselves in the conditions provided by the law. They only hold administrative powers which prevent them from exercising state powers such as enacting autonomous laws or regulations, benefiting from powers of jurisdiction or acting independently in the conduct of international relations.

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Local mission ( Mission locales) 

The 445 local missions are present throughout the national territory and carry out a public service mission in order to enable all young people aged 16 to 25 to overcome the difficulties that impede their professional and social integration.For more than thirty years, the local missions have developed a global accompaniment towards the young people. They deal with all the difficulties of social inclusionint: employment, training, guidance, mobility, housing, health, access to culture and leisure. This comprehensive approach is the most effective way to remove barriers to integration into employment and working life.

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Metropolitan France / Hexagonal

"Metropolitan" France or "Hexagonal France", or French France refers  to the territory located in Europe. It includes its continental territory and the islands near the Atlantic Ocean, the Channel and the Mediterranean Sea, like Corsica. Metropolitan France thus differs from France overseas, ie thethe French Republic territories that are precisely outside the European continent.



Prefect (préfet)

The prefect is the "depositary of the authority of the State in the department". He remains responsible for public order: he has police powers which make him an "administrative police authority". He is the direct representative of the Prime Minister and of each minister in the department. It implements governmental development and spatial planning policies at the departmental level.

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Professional training account (CPF)

The CPF lists:

  • the entitlements acquired by the employee throughout their employment and until they leave or retire
  • the training that the employee can personally undertake

This includes training that makes it possible, in particular:

 The professional training account is accessible on the website My training account.


RNCP National Directory of Professional (Certification Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles)

The National Directory of Professional Certification is aimed at informing constantly people about professional and vocational diplomas and qualifications certificates. It contributes to facilitate the labour market access, the management of human resources and professional mobility.

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State prosecutor (Procureur de la République )

Magistrate, member of the  state Prosecutor's Office, the state prosecutor represents the public ministry before all the courts of justice. The public ministry is all the magistrates responsible for representing the interests of society and ensuring the observance of public order and the application of the law. It is placed under the authority of the Attorney General (Head of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Appeal) and the Minister of Justice.He is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic on simple advice from the Superior Council of Magistracy.The public prosecutor intervenes on the information of the police, but also the State services or following a complaint by an individual, when an offense is committed within the jurisdiction of the court of in which it performs its functions.

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Urban Policy (Politique de la  Ville)

The Urban policy aims to reduce urban development gaps in disadvantaged urban areas and to improve the living conditions of their inhabitants. In order to respond to the combination of difficulties affecting these territories, the Urban policy mobilizes all common law policies and public services and has specific means of intervention. The CGET General Commission for Territorial Equality is responsible for the design and the implementation of this public policy at the cross-ministerial level, as well as the management of the corresponding resources.

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