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8. Creativity and Culture

8.8 Synergies and partnerships

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Synergies between public policies and programmes
  2. Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers

Synergies between public policies and programmes

Arts Council Malta collaborates with other public entities from outside the cultural sector in order facilitate young people’s participation in cultural activities. This is done through the following initiatives:

Il-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività provides recognition and support at the highest level of the State to organisations, especially those working with vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, to engage these groups in creativity and arts-driven projects and thereby increase their level of integration and engagement in society. The Award is managed by the Office of the President and Arts Council Malta.


A memorandum of understanding was signed in 2017 between Arts Council Malta and the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST). This MoU will serve to strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions and through its funding programmes and initiatives, Arts Council Malta shall encourage artists to pursue their interests in science and technology and to collaborate with individuals and organizations in these fields of knowledge. It will also encourage the integration of science and technology in the Kreattiv funding programme while Esplora, which forms part of the MCST, shall provide mentorship and assistance to beneficiary projects that include a science and technology component. Esplora will be offering its premises to selected projects to exhibit their work where such events are open to the general public visiting Esplora as well as jointly collaborate in activities and events orgnised by ACM including the Malta International Arts Festival. Moreover, ACM and Esplora shall co-organise networking and information sessions whereby artists, public cultural organisations, educators and individuals in the fields of Science and Technology will have the opportunity to discuss and explore potential ideas for future projects or other collaborations.


Collaborations with Malta Enterprise on bridging the gaps in areas of access to ­finance, skills and incentives – In 2016, In collaboration with Malta Enterprise, ACM organised information sessions for newly registered self-employed in the cultural and creative sectors. The sessions focused on tax obligations, e-business, copyright and incentives available from Malta Enterprise and were attended by around 50 people. 42 meetings were held, focusing on Malta Enterprise incentives, the majority of which were eligible to make use of Microinvest. Additionally two creatives benefited from B.Start and one from the Microguarantee.


The Kreattiv funding programme engages educators and creative practitioners in dialogue and collaboration while encouraging students and educators towards further engagement within the creative sector. Kreattiv aims to bring creative practitioners into schools to work with teachers and students to inspire, learn and create in a collaborative and innovative way.

The aims of the fund are to:

  • Initiate creative projects in classrooms, schools and colleges through collaborations between teachers, students and creative practitioners and, in so doing, to facilitate creative education as a key tool for holistic development.
  • Introduce children and young people to potential careers in the cultural and creative sector, through selected collaborations with higher educational institutions.
  • Embed cultural and creative entrepreneurship in schools as expressed in the National Cultural Policy.
  • Encourage collaboration between educational institutions, the culture and creative industries, and other relevant sectors such as science and technology.
  • Create employment opportunities for creative professionals.
  • Encourage creative collaborations amongst educational institutions, and partnerships with public and private cultural operators.

Divergent thinkers is an annual collective exhibition for young artists managed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ in collaboration with St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity. Divergent Thinkers creates a platform for young contemporary Maltese artists to exhibiting and promote their work. Young artists between 18 and 30 years old are invited to submit their artistic proposals and be considered for public exhibition. Selected artists receive an honorarium and participate in a curated exhibition. The works are included in an illustrated catalogue accompanying the exhibition. The artist with the best work are awarded with a residency in an international art centre. The winning artist and runner-up are given support to set up their own exhibition.

It-Taħriġ Mużikali taż-Żghażagh fil-Każini tal-Banda is a project managed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ  with the support of Għaqda Każini tal-Banda that offers financial assistance to band clubs to develop initiatives to bring more people into the teaching of music or to improve facilities which teach music.

Artivisti is a collaboration between Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Arts Council Malta and is intended to be a development platform for youth collaboration in the creative world.  Artivisti is designed to recognize the talent of emerging young people in creative and artistic field, and to foster their potential, creativity, talent, initiative and social responsibility.

Taħżiż is a programme managed Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Għaqda tal-Malti of the University of Malta. Taħżiż creates an opportunity for young writers between 18 and 30 years old to participate in a series of three intensive residential seminars on creative writing. At the end of the program have performed work during the seminars publication.

ŻiguŻajg is an annual International Arts Festival for children and young people organised by Fondazzjoni Kreattività with the support of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ that aims to foster aesthetic and cultural awareness amongst the younger generation. ŻiguŻajg has a vision of positioning the creative arts for children and young people at the core of Malta’s creative ecology. The festival aims to do this by showcasing professional arts specifically designed for children and young people in various disciplines at a high level of excellence. It does this through the development of a national repertoire of works for children and young people and by creating an accessible and inclusive artistic programme which increases cultural participation. 


Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers

Creative Communities is a fund for community-led creative and artistic activities, primarily addressing local communities. It provides the opportunity for training, research and the development of artistic projects led by the community for the community, while celebrating cultural diversity.

Creative Communities aims to:

  • Boost art and culture in the community through projects managed by voluntary organisations active in the local community
  • Enable voluntary organisations to carry out projects related to culture and the arts in local communities
  • Encourage active participation of local communities in the culture and arts sector
  • Celebrate the cultural diversity found in the various towns and cities around Malta and Gozo 
  • Support projects that encourage cultural integration
  • Strengthen and increase knowledge of local tangible and intangible heritage

The projects the fund invests in are:

  • Informal Training and Development Programmes which boost the artistic development of the applicant organisation or which encourage the creative development of the community. This may include exchange programmes on a local and international level
  • Research related to aspects of the collective memory of the community and/or cultural identity of the community
  • Events, productions and/or exhibitions which encourage active cultural participation, boost the community’s creative expression or appreciation of its history and identity.