8. Creativity and Culture
8.8 Synergies and partnerships
Last update: 3 April 2024
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Synergies between public policies and programmes
Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers
Synergies between public policies and programmes
The main area for synergies in culture in the field of youth takes place in the Board of the Children and Youth Fund (Gyermek és Ifjúsági Alapprogram Tanácsa) (for more information see sub-chapter 1.5 and sub-chapter 1.4).
Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers
As mentioned in sub-chapter 8.2 Administration and governance, the Community Culture Roundtables may provide room for cooperation at the local level, but there are no higher scale examples for policies/programmes/initiatives fostering partnerships in the different fields.