8.8 Synergies and partnerships
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Synergies between public policies and programmes
Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers
Synergies between public policies and programmes
The National Programme on Culture 2014–2017 (Nacionalni program za kulturo 2014-2017) provides a basis for the creation of synergies between public policies and programmes. Examples of synergies include:
- Cultural-artistic education: According to the Resolution on the 2014-2017 National Programme for Culture, “In terms of content and mission, CAE appears at the crossroads of the cultural, educational and scientific sectors; therefore its planned development is the primary task of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Due to its recognisable effects on the integrated development of the individual and society as a whole, it is important to place it in all spheres of human activity and living, as well as in all periods of the individual's life, therefore its implementation and the responsibility of other departments (social, health, tourism, environment, economy, traffic, etc). Special attention is also being paid to various social groups and subcultures, which in one way or another involve various cultural activities” (see page 105).
The aim in the respective fields is to establish a coherent CAE system, which can be planned over the long term, based on quality cultural production. The programme subsequently enlists the following measures:
- The appointment of the National Committee for CAE, which is responsible for implementing and monitoring the action plans in this area. Each area of culture has its own national coordinator for CAE; the committee includes representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Education Institute Slovenia, educational institutions and the Slovenian National Commission of UNESCO (Slovenska nacionalna komisija za UNESCO);
- To encourage educational institutions to prepare and implement CAE in their annual work plans and educational programmes;
- Participation of the National Network of Coordinators of CAE in the educational institutions;
- Five intersectoral network CAE projects within the framework of the Cultural School project;
- The project was already placed in the Action Plan for the Period 2016–2017 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o Nacionalnem program za mladino 2013-2022 za leti 2016 in 2017) of the National Programme for Youth 2013–2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem program za mlade 2013–2022).
- Cultural School is a project aimed primarily at extracurricular cultural activities in basic schools, and it has a clear goal – to increase the quality and extent of active and passive cultural participation of pupils and their parents, grandparents and mentors in the field of extracurricular activities which are not part of the school curriculum.
- The development of the market for creative industries
- The establishment of an interdepartmental working group to prepare a design strategy
The Action Plan for the Period 2016–2017 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o Nacionalnem program za mladino 2013-2022 za leti 2016 in 2017) and the Action Plan for the Period 2018–2019 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022 za leti 2018 in 2019) of the National Programme for Youth 2013–2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem program za mlade 2013–2022) include the following:
- Scholarships for specialised professions in culture
- The scholarship policy under the Scholarship Act (Zakon o štipendiranju) is complemented by a scholarship policy based on the Exercising of the Public Interest in Culture Act (Zakona o uresničevanju javnega interesa za kulturo) and the National Programme on Culture.
- Scholarships are intended for study programmes and fields, “for some specific artistic professions in art and cultural heritage, [which] are aimed at raising key competences, increasing skills and acquiring additional skills as a condition for more successful integration of young people into the labour market”.
- The measure is financed in the amount of 291,666 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 434,164 EUR in 2018 and 676,336 EUR in 2019.
Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers
Examples of partnerships between the cultural and creative sectors include:
- Youth creative productions (Mladinske kreativne produkcije)
- From 1 July 2016 to 15 September 2018.
- Led by the Youth Centre Dravinjske doline (Mladinski center Dravinjske doline), the project helped to create mechanisms which enabled young people in the field of architecture and design to acquire working competences while at the same time increasing their visibility and the need for their services in the labour market.
- The project was financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and European Social Fund (in the amount of co-financing, 190c134.15 EUR).
- ŠILA Impro league (ŠILA Impro liga)
- Led by the Association for Culture and Education IMPRO (Društvo za kulturo in izobraževanje IMPRO).
- This is an annual project.
- The programme is based on theatre improvisation (improv theatre), a form of theatre which does not use pre-prepared elements. Scenes are created spontaneously on the spot. ŠILA is set as a tournament within each season, linked to the school year.
- Young people learn to become good improvisers through improvisational theatre, they learn group work and altruism and search for innovative solutions, different ways of expressing, etc. The programme encourages young people, both actors and spectators, to engage in cultural life.
- Target group: pupils between the ages of 15 and 19, about 300 participants.
- The programme has been co-funded by the Society for Culture and Education IMPRO in the amount of 20,119 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 27,657 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 25,600 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Alternative Band
- Led by the Youth Information and Cultural Club Murska Sobota (Mladinski informativni in kulturni klub Murska Sobota).
- This is an annual project.
- The project is based on the popularisation of media-ignored alternative genres, innovative and creative musical expressions of individual authors and performers and their non-commercial orientations. The project is also marked by an educational note, as many performers also perform free workshops for young people. The project addresses the public with respect to critical thinking, perceiving and accepting contemporary music production.
- The project extends the horizons of critical thinking among young people and allows the local audience an insight into the musical offering.
- Target group: young people at local and regional levels, 150 participants.
- The programme of the organisation has been co-funded in the amount of 16,707 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 21,590 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 22,800 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Platform BITI, Cultural-artistic society Pozitiv (KUD Pozitiv)
- This project represents a continuation of the original project and it is connected with the areas of sustainable ways of living, responsible consumption and finding creative and innovative solutions to improve the quality of life and coexistence in a particular community.
- The project permeates the research character and openness, following the interests and needs of the participants and the current associated social challenges.
- Target group: young people aged 15–35, approx. 1,000 participants.
- The programme of the organisation was co-funded in the amount of 23,690 EUR 2016 and 2017 and the amount of 28,064 EUR in 2018 and 2019 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Club scene
- Led by the Public Institution for Culture, Youth and Sport Litija (Javni zavod za kulturo, mladino in šport Litija).
- This involves the organisation of various musical and cultural events, especially of non-established authors, musicians, artists and genres which are not of a commercial nature.
- In the premises of the Youth Centre Litija, a multimedia centre has been created. It enables young people to access technical equipment to share and co-create the programme of the centre.
- Target group: young musicians, poets and creators, 100 participants.
- The programme of the organisation has been co-funded in the amount of 21,337 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 21,814 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 21,800 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Youth Cultural Festival Kunigunda
- Led by the Youth Centre Velenje (Mladinski center Velenje).
- The beginning dates back to 1998. Kunigunda today is a symbol of young, alternative cultures in Velenje. Its programme consists of concerts, exhibitions, shows, lectures, performances, sports and intermedia contents reflecting the annual subcultural mosaic of interests which is created at the local level.
- Its greatest achievement is the transfer of knowledge and quality leisure time.
- Target group: Young people and fans of alternative culture, participation of at least 2,000 people.
- The programme of the organisation has been co-funded in the amount of 24,061 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 23,828 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 23,750 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Youth radio – Radio Galama
- Led by the People’s University Radovljica (Ljudska univerza Radovljica).
- The mission of the radio is to connect young people on their educational paths. It enables creative expression, communication, professional development and the acquiring of various social and communication skills, and it thus also offers young people numerous opportunities.
- The main achievements are that young people get their first experience with public speaking, they connect with other musicians, they improve their emotions, they learn to present themselves, they gain self-confidence etc.
- Target group: youth sector at local and regional levels.
- The programme of the organisation has been co-funded in the amount of 12,712 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 12,865 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 19,400 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Urban creatives
- Led by the Institute for Sport, Tourism and Leisure Sežana (Zavod za šport, turizem in prosti čas Sežana).
- The Intervention Open gallery and My Umbrella can be a balloon, for one day they change the purpose of a public space in a living space. With this, young people point to multifunctionality, usability and aesthetics, and through art, they become co-creators of public space.
- Young people recognise the medium in artistic intervention and how they can also contribute to the creation of public spaces and draw attention to these spaces’ problems.
- Target group: young people between 13 and 29 years, 10 participants.
- The programme of the organisation has been co-funded in the amount of 21,156 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 22,261 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 18,900 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Media engagement of young people
- Led by the Association of Soft-landing Allies (Društvo zaveznikov mehkega pristanka).
- Together with their partners and individuals, this association annually records more than 70 short film contributions for a monthly youth TV show, gives youth film workshops for young people, organises workshops in the field of film production etc.
- In the process of informal, peer-to-peer learning through various workshops, young people explore and raise awareness of reality.
- Target group: youth sector at local, regional, national and international levels.
- The programme of the association has been co-funded in the amount of 27,143 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 30,098 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 26,900 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Music workshops
- Led by the LokalPatriot Youth Centre and the Youth club DNŠ (LokalPatriot, Mladinski klub DNŠ).
- At the workshops, young people learn the basics of playing guitar, bass guitars and drums and of singing.
- Young people have the opportunity to spend their free time with a visit, and under the guidance of experienced musicians, they can improve their knowledge or learn the basics.
- Target group: young people (15–29 years), 20 participants per workshop.
- The programme has been co-funded in the amount of 13,256 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 16,109 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 17,950 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
- Youth program
- Led by the Carinthian Youth Cultural Centre Kompleks (Koroški mladinski kulturni center Kompleks).
- The programme provides access to quality non-commercial cultural goods, such as weekly cultural events in the fields of music and art and the possibility of non-formal education.
- Through mediation between young people and local authorities, there is a possibility for dialogue and co-decision on important youth issues. The programme provides young people with space for personal and career development.
- Target group: young people between 15 and 29 years, 5,000 participants.
- The programme has been co-funded in the amount of 10,623 EUR in 2016 and 2017, 12,417 EUR in 2018 and 2019 and the amount of 16,000 EUR in 2020 and 2021 on the basis of a public call for the co-financing of youth work programmes by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.