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Youth Wiki



Last update: 24 February 2025
On this page
  1. Legislation and official policy documents
  2. Data and statistics
  3. Studies, reports and academic publications
  4. Official websites

Legislation and official policy documents

 Governing Program of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria  (2017-2021) (last access on 16 November 2018)

National Youth Strategy (last access on 16 November 2018)

Youth Act  (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Combating Anti-Social Acts Act   (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Child Protection Act (последен достъп 16 November 2018)

 National Youth Program (2016-2020)  ((last access on 16 November 2018)

Volunteer Draft Act (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Youth Guarantee (last access on 16 November 2018)

Employment Strategy, (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Updated Employment Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria 2013-2020  (last access on 16 November 2018)  

 National Strategy for the Child 2008 – 2018 (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Strategy to Reduce Poverty and Promote Social Inclusion 2020 (last access on 16 November 2018)

  National Long-Term Care Strategy  

  National Strategy "Vision for Deinstitutionalization of Children in the Republic of Bulgaria"

  Action Plan for Implementing the National Strategy "Vision for deinstitutionalization of children in the Republic of Bulgaria"

National Program for Safety and Health at Work 2018-2020

  Social Security Code

 Labour Code

  Combating Anti-Social Acts of Minors and Juveniles Act (Title amended - Extract, issue 11 of 1961)

 State Social Security Budget Act 2018

 Personal Income Tax Act

 Child Protection Act

  Health Insurance Act

 Health and Safety at Work Act

  Labor Inspection Act

  Integration of People with Disabilities Act

 Law on information and consultation of employees in multinational enterprises, enterprise groups and European companies

 Corporate Income Tax Act

 Crediting Students and PhD Students Act

  Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Act

  Employment Promotion Act

 Vocational Education and Training Act

  Family Allowance for Children Act

  Social Assistance Act

  Labor Migration and Labor Mobility Act  (last access on 16 November 2018)

  Asylum and Refugees Act  (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Settlement of Collective Labor Disputes Act  (last access on 16 November 2018)

  Ordinance on the conditions and procedure for the implementation of measures to prevent the abandonment of children and their placement in institutions, and their reintegration  (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Ordinance on the conditions and procedure for financing the training for the acquisition of vocational qualification and motivational training, organized by the Employment Agency (last access on 16 November 2018)

Data and statistics


A working version of the National Youth Report for 2016, based on a statistical study of Trend Research Center

Statistical data from the study "Establishing the Effects of Youth Policies on Young People" conducted by Trend Research Center October-November 2017.

Studies, repots and academic publications


 Prerequisites and necessity of realization of Career Start Program  (Program documentation amended by Order No. РД 01-38 of 18 January 2012 of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy“ )

 Audit Collection Youth unemployment and the integration of young people into the labor market Audit reports published between 2013 and 2017

Official websites

Ministry of Youth and Sports (last access on 16 November 2018)

Ministry of Justice (last access on 16 November 2018)

Youth Policies Directorate within the Ministry (last access on 16 November 2018)

Council of Ministers (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Assembly (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Youth Information System (NYIS) (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Alliance for Volunteer Action /NAVA/ (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria (last access on 16 November 2018)

 European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) (last access on 16 November 2018)

NSI (last access on 16 November 2018)

NRA (last access on 16.11.2018)

NSSI (last access on 16 November 2018)

Employment Agency (last access on 16 November 2018)

Eurostat (last access on 16 November 2018)

(MoES) (last access on 16 November 2018)

Employment Agency (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Professional information, consultation and guidance  (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Program for summer internship in the state administration  (last access on 16 November 2018)

Ministry of Economy (last access on 16 November 2018)

Labour Office Directorates (last access on 16 November 2018)

 State Agriculture Fund  (last access on 16 November 2018)

National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (last access on 16 November 2018)

 National Representation of Student Councils (NRSC) (last access on 16 November 2018)

 Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEV) (last access on 16 November 2018)