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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Legislation and official policy documents
  2. Data and statistics
  3. Studies, reports and academic publications
  4. Official websites

Legislation and official policy documents


Govenment of Malta. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Establishment Act. Legal Notice 522/2010 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Cultural Heritage Act. Chapter 445 of the Laws of Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Education Act. Chapter 327 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Healthy Lifestyle Promotion and Care of Non-Communicable Diseases Act. Chapter 550 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta.  Chapter 492 of the Laws of Malta. Voluntary Organisations Act. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Chapter 318 of the Laws of Malta. Social Security Act. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Civil Society Committee Regulations. Subsidiary Legislation 431/01 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Commissioner for Children Act. Chapter 462 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Constitution of Malta. Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Employment and Training Services Act Cap 343. Chapter 343 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Legal Notice 179 of 2014. Income Tax Act chapter 123 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Local Councils Act Chapter 363 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Government of Malta. Public Administration Act. Chapter 497 of the Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Legal Notice 295 of 2012. Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning Regulations. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Legal Notice 522/2010. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (Establishment as an Agency) Order. Laws of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. 2015. Guidelines for the Youth Voluntary Work Scheme. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

MCAST. Apprenticeship Workplace Regulations Agreement. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. (no date). Substance abuse Prevention Programmes and Interventions in State School (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2005. For all Children to Succeed. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2012. National Curriculum Framework. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. Framework for the Education Strategy for Malta 2014-2024. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. National Literacy Strategy for All in Malta and Gozo (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. Respect for All (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. Strategic Plan for The Prevention of Early School Leaving (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. Addressing Bullying Behaviour in Schools (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. Making Work Pay. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 Ministry for Education and Employment. 2014. The National Employment Policy. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and employment. 2014. Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2015. Higher Education Strategy for Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2015. National Vocational Education and Training Policy (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2015. Trans, Gender Variant and Intersex Students in Schools Policy (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment. 2016. My Journey – Achieving Through Different Paths Inclusive and Comprehensive Equitable Quality Learning Programmes (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health. 2011. Sexual Health policy and strategy. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health. 2012. Healthy Weight for Life strategy. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health. 2014. Food and Nutrition Policy and Action Plan (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health. 2014. Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Disease in Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health. 2015. National Breast Feeding Policy and Action Plan 2015-2020 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health. 2015. National Cancer Plan (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government. 2015. Create2020 Strategy (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity (2014) National Strategic Policy for Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion (2014-2024). (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity. (2016). National Children’s Policy (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity. (2016).  National Alcohol Policy (Draft) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 Ministry for Youth and Arts. 2004. National Youth Policy 2004 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 Ministry for Youth and the Arts. 1993. National Youth Policy 1993 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Commission for Higher and  Further Education. 2015. National Quality Assurance Framework.  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport. 2015. National Youth Policy Towards 2020 A shared vision for the future of young people. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport. 2016. A National Policy for Sport in Malta and Gozo. (Draft) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture. 2011. National Cultural Policy (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture. 2012. National Strategy for Cultural Heritage (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth and Sport. 2010. National Youth Policy 2010 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth. 1999. National Youth Policy 1999 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth and Sport and The Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations. 2010. The Participation of Maltese Young People in the Voluntary Sector (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth and Sport. 2010. National Youth Policy. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)


Data and statistics

ArtscouncilMalta. 2016. Cultural Participation Survey 2016 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Eurostat Statistic. 2016. Employment rate statistics (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Eurostat.  2010. Self-perceived Health (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Eurostat. 2017 Unemployment (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Jobsplus. 2015. Employability Index  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2017. Absenteeism in Schools Survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2015. International Day of Families survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Statistics Office. 2015. International Volunteer Day for Economic and Socail Development. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2015. Student Enrollments survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2016. Graduate Students survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2017. Accidents at work survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2017. Labour Force Survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 National Statistics Office. 2017. Registered Unemployed Survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)


Studies, reports and academic publications

Abela, A. M. (1999). Demands for Welfare: The State and Civil Society in Malta. University of Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Commissioner for Children. 2013. Leisure trends Among Young People in Malta. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. 2012. Mirrors and Windows: Maltese Young People's Perception of Themselves, their Families, Communities and Society. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Baldacchino, L. & Pulis Xerxen, S. 2013. Fostering Entrepreneurship Through Education: A Handbook for Teachers. University of Malta. 

Ciorbaru, Adriana. 2005. Youth Policy in Malta: Report by an International Panel of Experts Appointed by the Council of Europe. Strabourg: Council of Europe.

Mims, B. R. (2011). Faced Behind Sacred Walls: Readdressing the Advocacy Role of the Church in a Disenfranchised Community., a division of Reliance Media, Inc.: Apopka.

National Commission for Further and Higher Education. 2016. Employee Skills Gap Survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Commission for Further and Higher Education. 2016.​ National Employee Skills Survey. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth and Sport and The Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations. 2012. The Participation of Maltese Young People in the Voluntary Sector. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Sultana, Ronald & Baldacchino, Godfrey. 1994. Maltese Society: A Sociological Inquiry.

Teuma, Miriam. 2014. “Youth Policy in Malta.” Pp. 165-172 in Kadjan – Kiduhu: Global Perspectives on Youth Work edited by B. Belton. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Vella, M.  & Gauci, D. 2016. Social Community Teams against Poverty, The Netherlands: Malta Comments Paper. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

WHO, 2016 (b). Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people’s health and well-being. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

WHO, 2016(a). European health for all database (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

WHO, 2017. Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002–2014 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)


Official websites

#OnTheMove (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

A4U Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

African Media Association Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Aġenzija Appoġġ (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Aġenzija Sapport (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Aġenzija Sedqa (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

AIESEC (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Alternative Learning Programme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Anna Lindh Foundation (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Apprenticeship Department MCAST (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Artivisti (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Arts Council Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

B.Start (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

BeActive (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

BeSmart Online (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

BOV JAIME (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

BOV Start Plus (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Budding Rockstars Conference (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Business Advisory Scheme(Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Business First (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Career Guidance Service (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Caritas Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Centre for Entrepreneurship & Business Incubation (CEBI) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Child and Young People's Services (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Child Guidance Clinic (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Children Development Assessment unit (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Chrodis Plus (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Civil Society Committee (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Commissioner for Children (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Commonwealth Youth Civil Activism Network  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Commonwealth Youth Forum (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Community Workshops (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Creative Communities (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Creative Europe Desk Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Creative Industries Platform (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Crisis Intervention Service (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Cultural Export Fund  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Cultural Mediators in Health Care (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Culture Directorate (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Culture Pass (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Dar Osanna Pia (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Department for Social Welfare Standards (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Department of Youth and Community Studies (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Detached Youth Work Programme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Directorate for Lifelong Learning (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Divergent thinkers (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Dun Manwel Attard Resource Centre (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Edward de Bono Institute (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

EkoSkola (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Embark for Life (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Entrepreneurship Through Education Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Environmental Funding Support Scheme for Voluntary Organisations (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

ESPAD (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Esplora (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

EURES Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

EURES Portal (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

EuroMed Youth Platform (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

European Capital of Culture in Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

European Union Programmes Agency (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

European Waste Reduction Week in Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Faculty of  Economics, Management and Accountancy (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

First Time Buyers Stamp Duty Relief Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Fondazzjoni Kreattività (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Foundation for Educational Services (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Foundation for Social Welfare Services (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

G. Curmi Higher Secondary School (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

GEM 16+ (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Global Entrepreneurship Week (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Go Beyond (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Hack-it-on bootcamp (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

HBSC (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Heritage Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Housing Authority (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Inclusive Employment Services (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Infectious disease prevention and control unit (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Innovation Challenge: Go Green (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Inspire (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Institute for Education (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Institute for Physical Education and Sport (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Institute for Tourism Studies (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 Integra (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

International Youth Day 2017 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

In-work Benefit (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

It-Taħriġ Mużikali taż-Żghażagh fil-Każini tal-Banda (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

JA-YE StartUp Programme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Jobseekers’ Advisory Services Unit (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

JobsPlus (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Johann Strauss School of Music (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity (JANPA) project. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

JRS Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Junior Achievement Young Enterprise Malta Foundation (JAYE Malta) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Junior Chamber International Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Junior College Students' Council (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Karta Żgħażagħ (Last accessed 27/10/2021) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Konkors ta’ Kitba – Letteratura għaż-Żgħażagħ  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Kopin (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Kordin Business Incubation Centre (KBIC) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Kreattiv (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Learning Outcomes Framework (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Local Councils (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Arts Fund (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Arts Scholarships Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Centre for Restoration (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Communication Authority (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Council Economic and Social Development (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Digital Games Fund (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Drama Centre - Mikelanġ Borg (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Enterprise (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Information Technology Agency (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Innovation Awards (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Libraries (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Microfinance Ltd. (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Qualifications Framework (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta SME Week (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta UNESCO Youth Organisation (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Malta Union of Teachers (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

MaltMUN  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Manoel Theatre (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Matriculation and Secondary Education Certificate (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

MCAST Entrepreneurship Centre (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Mediterranean Conference Centre (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Micro Guarantee Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Micro Invest Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Microsoft Innovation Centre (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Mid-Dawl ghad-Dlam (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Migrant Women’s Association (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Education and Employment (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for European Affairs and Equality (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Finance (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Gozo (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Health (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Mount Carmel Hospital (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Moviment Żgħażagħ Partit Nazzjonalista (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Archives (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE), (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Enterprise Support Awards (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Literacy Agency (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Skills Council (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

National Statistics Office (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

NEET Activation Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

NEET Census (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

OASI (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the youth field (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Pjazza Teatru Rjal (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Premju tal-President għall-Kreattivita` (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Prince’s Trust International’s XL Programme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Professional Development Grant (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Public Consultations Online (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Publications of the Commissioner for Children (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Rainbow Services (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Regional Development Centers (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Rights for you (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Scholarships and National Skills Council Unit (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

School Councils (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

School of Art (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

School of Performing Arts (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Secondary Education Certificate (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Secondary School Certificate and Profile (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Sir M. Refalo Higher Secondary School (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Sir Sid Darek (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Skills Kit (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Skills Panorama (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Social Security Act Chapter 318 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Social Security Department (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

SOS Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Spark 15 (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Spazzju Kreattiv (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

SportMalta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

St Jean Antide Foundation (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

 St. James Cavalier Centre for Creativity (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Student Services Department (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Studenti Demokristjani (SDM) (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Board (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Suret il-Bniedem Foundation (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Takeoff (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Toi Toi (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Traineeship Scheme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

University of Malta (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Ursuline Sisters’ Crèche (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Valletta 2018 Foundation (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Visual and Performing Arts Schools (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Wasteserve (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Young Entrepreneurs and Leaders (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Young Mediterranean Voices (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth and Community Studies Department (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Cafes (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Guarantee (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Hubs (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth in focus (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Information Charter (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Information Portal (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Upbeat (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth Village (Last accessed 27/10/2021)  (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

Youth.Inc Programme (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

ZAAR Crowdfunding Platform (Last accessed 27/10/2021)

ŻiguŻajg (Last accessed 27/10/2021)