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On this page
Legislation and official policy documents
Data and statistics
Studies, reports and academic publications
Official websites
Legislation and official policy documents
Parliament of Republic of Macedonia, 2014 Official Gazette of RM, no. 34, Labour Relations Law (Закон за работните односи) (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, August 2011, National Employment Strategy for Macedonia 2015 (Национална Стратегија за Вработување на Република Македонија 2015 година), (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, 2012, Action Plan on Youth Employment 2015 (Акциски план за вработување на младите 2015 година), (last accessed 30/09/2016).
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, October 2013, Action Plan on Youth Employment 2015 – Progress Review (Акциски план за вработување на младите Преглед на напредок) (last accessed 30/09/2016).
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, January 2015, Operational Plan for active labour market programs and measures for employment for 2015 (Оперативен План за услуги на пазарот на труд и активни програми и мерки за вработување за 2015 година) (last accessed 30/09/2016).
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, July 2015, Action Plan on Youth Employment 2016 – 2020 (Акциски план за вработување млади лица 2016-2020 година) (last accessed 30/09/2016).
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Skopje, October 2015, National Employment Strategy for Macedonia 2016 - 2020 (Национална Стратегија за Вработување на Република Македонија 2016-2020) (last accessed 30/09/2016).
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, September 2016, Operational Plan for active labour market programs and measures for employment for 2016 (Оперативен План за активни програми и мерки за вработување и услуги на пазарот на трудот за 2016 година) (last accessed 30/09/2016).
Ministry of education and science, November 2014, Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020 (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Data and statistics
State Statistical Office of Republic of Macedonia, 843 May 2016, Labour Force Survey, 2015, Statistical Review: Population and Social Statistics (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Studies, reports and academic publications
N. Mojsoska-Blazevski, J. Najdova, A. Stojkov, L. Asenov, October 2009, Labour Market in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, A Study for The European Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG (last accessed 30/09/2016)
N. Mojsoska-Blazevski and The State Statistical Office of Macedonia, June 2016, Labour market transitions of young women and men in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Results of the 2014 school-to-work transition survey, International Labour Organization (last accessed 30/09/2016)
N. Mojsoska-Blazevski and M. Petreski, 2015, Impact evaluation of active labour market programs in FYR Macedonia: key findings, International Labour Organization (last accessed 30/09/2016)
S. Elder, B. Novkovska and V. Krsteva, July 2013, Labour market transitions of young women and men in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, International Labour Organization (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, February 2016, Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe, Eurydice Report, (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Official websites
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Министерство за труд и социјална политика) (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Ministry of Education and Science (Министерство за образование и наука) (last accessed 30/09/2016)
National Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Council (Национален Совет за Претприемништво и Конкурентност) (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Agency for promotion of entrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia (Агенција за поддршка на претприемништвото на Република Македонија) (last accessed 30/09/2016)
Employment Service Agency of the Republic of Macedonia (Агенција за вработување на Република Македонија)