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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 27 June 2024

Legislation and official policy documents

(Last accessed 28/03/2024)

Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2018) LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2018) Mid-term Review of Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2017) Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2015) National Youth Strategy 2015-2020. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2015) National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making, 2015- 2020. Dublin:
Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2014) Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures:
The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People, 2014-2020. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2012) State of the Nation’s Children: Ireland 2012. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2011) National Strategy for Research and Data on Children’s Lives, 2011-2016. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (2023) Statement of Strategy 2023 – 2025. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (2023) Young Ireland: National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2023 – 2028. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Education and Skills (2016) Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025 – Ireland’s Future. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Education and Skills (2014) Further Education and Training Strategy 2014 – 2019. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Education and Skills (2014) Review of Apprenticeship Training in Ireland. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Education and Skills (2005) DEIS (Delivering Equality Of Opportunity In Schools): An Action Plan for Educational Inclusion. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Education and Skills (1998) Education Act, 1998. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection (2023) Report of the Social Inclusion Forum 2023 - Summary Report. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:  


Department of Health and Children (2000) Our Children – Their Lives: National Children’s Strategy, 2000-2010. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:'s%20Strategy%20-%20our%20children,%20their%20lives.pdf  


Department of Justice (2017) National Strategy for Women and Girls. Dublin: Government Publication. Available at:


Department of Justice and Equality (2017) The National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Department of Justice and Equality (2011) The National Traveller / Roma Integration Strategy. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Rural and Community Development (2019) National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Department of Rural and Community Development (2024) National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2024-2027. Dublin: Government Publications. 


Government of Ireland (1991) Child Care Act 1991. Available at:


Government of Ireland (1996) Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2000) Education (Welfare) Act 2000. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2000) White Paper on a Framework for Supporting Voluntary Activity and for Developing the Relationship between the State and the Community and Voluntary sector. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2001) Children Act 2001. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2001) Youth Work Act. Dublin: The Stationary Office. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2001) Referendum Act 2001. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2001) Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2002) Ombudsman for Children Act 2002. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2010) Civil Law Bill 2010. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2012) Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2013) Child and Family Agency Act 2013. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2014) Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2014) Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Government of Ireland (2014) National Policy Statement on Entrepreneurship in Ireland. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Government of Ireland (2021) National Volunteering Strategy 2021-2025. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Government of Ireland (2022) ESD to 2030: Second National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


Joint Oireachtas Report on Volunteers and Volunteering in Ireland 2006: Towards 2016. Available at:


Office for Social Inclusion (2015) Updated National Action Plan for Social Inclusion, 2015-2017. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:,current%20policy%20responses%20to%20poverty.


Office for Social Inclusion (2007) National Action Plan for Social Inclusion, 2007-2016. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at:


Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (2010) The National Quality Standards Framework (NQSF) for Youth Work. Dublin: Government Publications. Available at: 


UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) Available at:


Data and statistics

(Last accessed 28/03/2024)


CSO (2019) Monthly Unemployment Statistics 


Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government Homelessness Report October 2019


Focus Ireland Homeless statistics 2019$3#Youth


Growing Up in Ireland: The National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland:


DCYA State of the Nation’s Children Reports:


Studies, reports and academic publications 

(Last accessed 28/03/2024)


BeLonG To Youth Services (2022) The School Climate Report. 


Department of Justice and Equality (2017) Report of DCYA Consultations with Children and Young People Living in Direct Provision. 


Eurofound (2017) Long-term unemployed youth: Characteristics and policy responses. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 


Eurofound (2014) Social situation of young people in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.


Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) (2017) Forecasting the Future Demand for High Level ICT Skills in Ireland, 2017-2022.


Foróige (2012): The Foróige Youth Citizenship Programme Evaluation Report 


GHK (2010): Study on Volunteering in the European Union – Country Report Ireland. Study on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture).


Healthy Ireland (2023) Healthy Ireland Survey 2023. 


Indecon (2019) Indecon Review of Career Guidance.


Keane, E. (2016) The flexicurity system in Ireland. European Labour Law Journal (2016) 7 (2), pp. 310-320.


Lundy, L. (2007) ‘Voice is not enough: Conceptualizing Article 12 of the UNCRC’, British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 927-42.


National Youth Council of Ireland (2011) NYCI Pre-Budget Submission 2019: Future Proof with Investment in Youth. Dublin: NYCI. 


National Youth Council of Ireland (2011) Lending a Hand: A Report on Young People and Volunteering in Ireland. Dublin: NYCI.


Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) (2014) An Overview of the Irish Labour Market. Dublin: NERI.


Ombudsman for Children Office (2019) No Place Like Home: Children’s views and experiences of living in Family Hubs 


Social Justice Ireland (2022) Poverty Focus 2022


Social Justice Ireland (2023) Poverty Focus 2023. 


Official websites

(Last accessed 28/03/2024)