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Youth Wiki


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.1 Target population of youth policy

Last update: 26 April 2024

The Law on Youth (Zakon o mladima) defines youth or young people as persons from 15 to and including 30 years of age. Therefore, the Youth Policy actors target their actions at this age group.

The Youth Health Development Strategy (Strategija razvoja zdravlja mladih) however, targets young people aged 10-26, and distinguishes 2 groups:

  • children ages 10-15 and
  • school children and students aged 16-26.

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia presents youth unemployment rates (e.g. in the labor force surveys) within the age groups 15-24, 15-29 and 15-30. Eurostat data on unemployment rates are also structured by several age groups including 5-19, 15-24 and 15-29.

As shown, depending on the policy field or research methodology target population considered as youth may be different. However for the actions and measures targeted towards youth in general, the most relevant document is Law on Youth.