Action Plan is the plan for the implementation of National Youth Strategy for the certain period of time.
Circular economy - an approach that integrates the economy and the waste management system and involves the reuse of waste generated during the production process or after the use of the product.
District school authority - Organizational units established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development outside the premises of the Ministry.
Drop-outs – persons who leave school (education) during the school year, i.e. drop out of school before obtaining a certificate of completion of class and do not continue further education.
Early school leavers - persons who are not in the education and training system and who have only completed primary school or less. At European Union level, early school leaving rates are measured in the population between the ages of 18 and 24.
Fund for Young Talents annually provides scholarships and rewards for over 3,300 students and is under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
General interdisciplinary competencies - competences that are developed in school through all subjects. They are applicable in different situations and contexts in solving different problems and tasks. In the education system of Serbia, they are defined for the end of primary and secondary education, based on the list of key EU competencies and general outcomes of education defined in the Law on the Foundations of the Education System.
Global education - is a pedagogical approach that fosters multiple perspectives and the deconstruction of stereotypes and builds on a learner centred approach to foster critical awareness of global challenges and engagement for sustainable lifestyles. Global Education competences build on development education, human rights education, education for sustainability, education for peace and conflict prevention and intercultural education, all being the global dimension of education for citizenship. (The Maastricht Declaration, 2002.)
High culture - identifies the culture of an upper class (an aristocracy) or of a status class (the intelligentsia); and also identifies a society’s common repository of broad-range knowledge and tradition (e.g. folk culture) that transcends the social-class system of the society. Sociologically, the term high culture is contrasted with the term low culture, the forms of popular culture characteristic of the less-educated social classes.
Individual Education Plan - An individualized document for children/pupils/students with additional educational needs and/or disabilities, consisted of needs assessment and suggestions for improving physical or teaching and learning barriers, including the revision and adjustment of curriculum and learning outcomes if necessary.
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) provides a comprehensive framework for organising education programmes and qualification by applying uniform and internationally agreed definitions to facilitate comparisons of education systems across countries.
Labour youth actions (Omladinske radne akcije, ORA) were a unique social phenomenon developed in the former socialist Republic of Yugoslavia. They were an important tool for building public infrastructure (e.g. railways, public buildings, roads, industrial infrastructure, etc.).
Local Action Plan for Youth is a strategic municipal/city document that defines priority areas for youth and activities that respond to the specific needs of youth in the given environment.
NEET – stands for Not in Employment, Education or Training.
Pre-school preparatory programme - Mandatory programme for children from 5 ½ to 6 ½ years old, realized at preschool education and care institutions or primary schools.
Publicly recognized organizer of adult education activities: may include nongovernmental organisations, cultural institutions, associations, open universities, career centres, consulting and training centres, private schools or any other institutions registered for educational programmes implementation, which means they have to be approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, as well as to fulfil adult education standards as prescribed by the Law on Adult Education. When such standards are met, the institution receives a license which has to be renewed every 5 years.
Resource Centers - The Ministry of Youth and Sports selects experienced organisations/associations from all parts of the Republic of Serbia which provide expert and technical support to youth volunteering projects funded by the Youth Rules programme.
Sector Skills Council – a new type of public body to be established aiming to initiate dialogue between employers’ and workers’ representatives and education authorities.
STEM – stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, including Computer Science
The National Association of Youth Work Practitioners (Nacionalna asocijacija praktičara/ki omladinskog rada, NAPOR) is a vocational association of youth organisations whose mission is to create and develop conditions for quality assurance and recognition of youth work with the aim of developing potential of youth and youth workers, who contribute to welfare of community and society.
The National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS) is the highest representative body of the young population.
The organiser of volunteering can be a legal entity whose basic aim, in accordance with the founding act, is not the acquisition of profit. It is obliged to ensure that the performance of volunteering services and activities is carried out in such a way as to protect the personal integrity and interest of the volunteering users. The organizer of the volunteering is obliged to insure volunteers in the event of an injury at work and professional illness - in the case of long-term volunteering and in other cases when the insurance is contracted. The organizer of volunteering is obliged to ensure that the performance of volunteer services and activities is carried out in such a way as to protect the personal integrity and interest of the volunteering users.
Vojvodina Youth Centre is intended for civil society organisations, institutions, sports organizations, local self-governments and institutions dealing with youth.
Volunteering in Serbia represents an organized and voluntary provision of services for the general good and good of other persons, without any compensation or other material gain.
Young Person is the person aged between 15 and 30, according to the Law on Youth.
Youth Agenda is an operational planning document for working with and for young people within the ministries, institutions and organisations, developed on the basis of the National Youth Strategy and its Action Plan, aligned with the mandate, role and type of support provided to young people.
Youth Council, is an advisory body, established by the Government, which promotes and coordinates the activities related to the development, realisation and implementation of youth policy, and proposes measures for its improvement. Its main goal is to establish cooperation between different stakeholders – line ministries, different public authorities, institutions, youth and civil society sector.
Youth office is a unit of the city/municipal government responsible for coordination of local youth policies in all areas relevant to young people, and in accordance with the specific needs of their local communities.
Youth Policy actors are: the Republic of Serbia, autonomous province, and local self-government unit as holders of Youth Policy, institutions, association carrying out youth activities, and other actors participating in the implementation of the Youth Policy;
Youth Policy includes all measures and activities of government bodies, institutions, associations and other actors directed at the improvement and promotion of the position and status of young people.
Youth Rules (Mladi su zakon) is the national-wide programme of the Ministry of Youth and Sport that promotes youth activism and volunteerism. The programme also supports young people who want to create and establish a better living conditions in their local communities.
Youth Worker is a professional working in civil society organizations/institutions /local self-government units, who conducts activities of youth work, and whose competences are defined by occupational standards in the field of youth work. Competencies can be acquired through formal, non-formal and informal education and learning. Since January 2019, youth worker has been officially registered as occupation in the National Employment Service’s Record.