1.1 Target population of youth policy
Various age limits for “youth” have been defined by Slovak legislation (National Report on Youth Policy in the Slovak Republic, 2005) hence „youth“ as the official legislative term has been introduced only for purposes of the Act of Youth Work Support (2008), in which the age of youth was defined from 0 to 30 years. It created the legal condition for activities including the children and young people from very early age (e.g. activities of young parents and their children).
The Slovak legislation further recognizes similar terms: minor and under-aged.
The term “minor” describes a person aged 15 – 18 (Criminal Code, 2005). Minors have increased legal protection but they are also the subject to certain restrictions. Persons younger than 18 years of age must not (among other things) play slot machines and must not be engaged in gambling at casinos. Minors are protected also by the Act on Advertising (2001).
The term „under-aged“ describes a person who has not reached 15 years of age. They are subject to a number of legal restrictions and regulations, some of which allow them to be employed under specific circumstances (Labour Code, 2001).
Criminal Code took over the definition of the term “child” from the Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. “Child” is a person younger than 18 years of age, unless this person gains legal maturity (based on marriage) before turning 18 years of age.
Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children (2005) uses terms „dependent child“ (up to 18 years) and „young adult“ (from 18 to 25 years).