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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture

Last update: 28 November 2023

Special events and activities 

The Strategy for the Support to Development of SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness 2015-2020 defines the measures to promote the development of micro, small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship through development and promotion of entrepreneurial spirit, and encouragement of entrepreneurship of women, youth and social entrepreneurship.

Additionally, the Ministry of Youth and Sports is responsible for the implementation of promotional activities aiming to raise awareness of the young, potential entrepreneurs about the opportunities and benefits of business incubators, as well as to conduct promotional campaigns to support the development of entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurship of young people.

The study "Analysis of the Regulatory Framework for Entrepreneurs Focusing on the Three Most Potential Sectors, Proposing Simplified Procedures for Young Entrepreneurs" proposes measures for the development of youth entrepreneurship in order to develop an entrepreneurial culture and climate. It finds it necessary to:

  • develop entrepreneurial culture and raise the profile of entrepreneurship in general,
  • develop social awareness on the contribution of entrepreneurs to overall economic,
  • support development and promotion of entrepreneurs as the key creators of new jobs,
  • actively involve the media in promoting entrepreneurship through series of educational shows, promotion of entrepreneurship success stories, covering various trade fairs, competitions, events where entrepreneurs meet.

It also proposes that it is necessary at the national level to clearly and transparently promote national programs to encourage entrepreneurship, especially youth programs. 

Two Youth Entrepreneurship Fairs (Sajam omladinskog preduzetništva) occurred in 2017 and 2018. They were organized by Youth Business Forum and, 2017 Fair was financially supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Economy and USAID Competitive Economy Project, while the 2018 Fair was supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At these fairs, young enterprises, successful entrepreneurs, hubs, institutions and NGOs important for the development of the entrepreneurial climate in Serbia were represented. This allowed young and future entrepreneurs to establish contacts with relevant stakeholders as well as to collect relevant, up-to-date information. 

Networks and partnerships 

The biggest entrepreneurship network active in Serbia is Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Serbia (Evropska mreža preduzetništva, Srbija) in which members are:

  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Development Agency of Serbia
  • Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Business Incubator Novi Sad
  • University of Nis
  • Mihajlo Pupin Institute.

EEN Serbia does not target young entrepreneurs specifically, but enables them to learn about entrepreneurship, establish contacts and network by participating in its activities.

However, Innovation Fund together with the Embassy of Finland in the Republic of Serbia organizes local Slush competition for innovative companies. The winner of local competition enters the Slush Global Helsinki BootCamp Programme and gets a ticket for the Slush conference in Finland (the most visible event that promotes entrepreneurial culture in Finland).