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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.3 Skills forecasting

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Forecasting system(s)
  2. Skills development

Forecasting system(s)

The Permanent Committee of Labour and Employment (Comité permanent du travail et de l'emploi) is responsible for regularly reviewing the labour market situation in terms of employment and unemployment in order to prevent incompatibilities and to increase the employment rate. Its working methods include the analysis of job offers and skills demanded by employer profiles and other relevant information in relation to employment, unemployment and apprenticeship.

There is a large number of bodies at national level that are in charge of preparing and performing analyses of the Luxembourgish labour market. These analyses form an important basis for the identification of future demands in the labour market and the relevant skills they require. These bodies include:

  • The Observatory for Competitiveness (ODC, Observatoire de la compétitivité) which was founded in 2003 and works under the authority of the Ministry of Economy. Its main objectives include monitoring the Luxembourgish economy and coordinating the Europe 2020 strategy. It works in close cooperation with the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and forms an important information provider on economic and labour market issues for the Tripartite Coordination Committee, which brings together representatives from the government (minister of Finance, minister of the Economy, minister of Labour and Employment), employers (Chamber of Commerce, trades) and labour (trade unions). Its function is to reach consensus on important economic and social issues. The Observatory publishes statistics on the competitiveness of the Luxembourgish economy on a regular basis
  • The National institute for the development of continuing vocational training (INFPC; Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue) is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. The training observatory within the INFPC provides quantitative and qualitative analyses on the topic of professional training and handles questions related to the identification of training needs on the labour market and to the transition of young people from vocational training to working life. Reports are published on a regular basis
  • The Study network on the labour market and employment (RETEL; Réseau d'étude sur le marché du travail et de l'emploi) is an initiative of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy (MTEESS). It aims to produce studies from existing data in order to improve the overall knowledge base of the labour market situation. The RETEL regularly publishes reports on the labour market and organises annual conferences on relevant issues related to the labour market and employment
  • The Interregional Labour Market Observatory (OIE; Observatoire interrégional du marché de l'emploi) consists of a network of specialised institutes or public services of the Greater Region. The IBA-OIE prepares information about the labour market for the political leaders of the Greater Region in order to enable practical applications concerning the structural employment policies. These reports are published on a regular basis.
  • The Federation of Luxembourgish Industrials (FEDIL; Fédération des Industriels Luxembourgeois) is a multi-sector business federation representing the industry, construction and business services sectors. It conducts a bi-annual survey, in both the industrial and information technology and communication sector, to explore companies' skill needs and to balance the vocational training supply and demand.

Skills forecasting is also based on research outputs of international institutions such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) (OECD, 2015 and CEDEFOP, 2015). The data provide important information for policy-makers of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy.

Skills development

Forecasting systems show that most future job opportunities in Luxembourg will require high-level qualifications (high level occupations in science, engineering, healthcare, business and teaching) (e.g. CEDEFOP, 2020).

Labour market and skills forecasting are not used in a systematic way by educational authorities, so that they do not have a direct and systematic impact on the development of school programmes or curricula (Eurydice et al., 2020).