4.4 Inclusive programmes for young people
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Programmes for vulnerable young people
The main top level instruments for addressing different sorts of vulnerability and reducing marginalisation among young people are grant schemes managed either directly by responisble ministries or underlying agencies, or in some cases delegated to civil society organisations. Such national schemes include:
Diversity and Inclusion [Mangfold og inkludering] Children, youth and youth organizations (including youth clubs and youth houses) may apply for funding to implement measures aimed at combating marginalization, discrimination and radicalization, and efforts towards strengthening inclusion, acceptance and diversity.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Children and Youth Council (LNU) (by appointment of the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Families)
National subsidy scheme for the inclusion of children and young people [Tilskudd til inkludering av barn og unge]. The scheme supports public bodies, including municipalities, private actors and voluntary organizations to counteract and / or mitigate the consequences of poverty among children and youth, facilitate social inclusion and participation and to improve and increase the completion rate of lower and upper secondary school.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Grants to strengthen gender and sexuality diversity [Tilskudd til å styrke kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold]. The scheme supports organisations to implement measures aimed at strengthening gender and sexuality diversity among the population in Norway, improving quality of life among people who challenge norms for sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and gender characteristics, and stimulate increased activity among organizations that work with this target group. The measures should also facilitate increased diversity within the organisations.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Measures to improve the living conditions and quality of life of people with disabilities [Tiltak for å bedre levekårene og livskvaliteten til personer med funksjonsnedsettelse]. The cheme supports organisations, non-profit foundations, municipalities, boroughs, and county municipalities to implement measures that contribute to public debate and change in attitudes toward people with disabilities, the participation of people with disabilities, and the production and dissemination of knowledge about toward people with disabilities. Measures that for improving the living conditions and quality of life of people with disabilities can also get support.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Leisure activities for people with disabilities [Fritidstiltak for personer med funksjonsnedsettelse]. The scheme supports voluntary organizations and foundations in organising holiday and leisure activities for people with disabilities.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
National housing and support services for young people over the age of 18 exposed to forced marriage and honor-related violence [Nasjonalt bo- og støttetilbud til unge over 18 år utsatt for tvangsekteskap og æresrelatert vold]. The aim of the grants cheme is for municipalities to provide short-term measures supplementary to the municipalities' statutory assistance and services for young people exposed to forced marriage. Measures include safe housing for a transitional period, support services that provide young people with help to re-establish and to be able to live as normal a life as possible.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Grant scheme to activity measures for children and youth in asylum reception centres [Tilskuddsordning til aktivitetstilbud for barn i asylmottak]. Volunteer organizations, not-for profit actors, and municipalities may apply to implement activities for children and young people under the age of 18 in refugee reception centres or in their adjacent local communities that promote learning, integration and preventive health and mental health.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)
Grants for integration work under the auspices of voluntary organizations [Tilskudd til integreringsarbeid i regi av frivillige organisasjoner]. Voluntary organizations can receive support from three sub-schemes for projects, inividual measures or activities that contribute to increasing work and community participation among immigrants and their children. The grant is managed by the Directorate of Integration and Diversity and 20 selected municipalities.
Responsible authority: The directorate of integration and diversity (IMDi)
Grants to user-driven organizations working against poverty [Tilskudd til brukerstyrte organisasjoner som arbeider mot fattigdom]. The aim of the scheme is to promote self-organization and user-driven organizations' work against poverty and social exclusion. The grant will strengthen the organizations' opportunities to conduct interest policy work, and contribute to increased user participation. The overall goals of the scheme are increased inclusion in work and society, financial security and improved living conditions.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
Grants for activation and work training [Tilskudd til aktivisering og arbeidstrening]. The purpose of the subsidy scheme is to stimulate the development of new measures and methods for activation and work training of people with little or no connection to the labour market. The overall goal is to give everyone the opportunity to get a job and to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged, which may include These can be, for example, individuals who are long-term recipients of social assistance, immigrants and refugees, young people at risk, single parents, the homeless, drug addicts and former drug addicts, people with mental health problems or people who have been in prison.
Responsible authority: The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
The budget framework for grant schemes is determined through the national budget and the Parliament’s final budget decision. Available funding may therefore vary year by year.
Quality assurance
Regulations and application criteria for the national grant schemes specify reporting and quality assurance requirements. Requirements may vary from scheme to scheme, and the responsible authority. However, recipients are at a minimum required to provide a report with accounting figures showing whether the funds are used in accordance with the application and grant scheme regulations. It is normal that regulations specify that accounts shall be audited and that the accounts should specify whether support from other state subsidy schemes have been used to carry out the measures/project.
In addition the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) provides the parliament with a comprehensive and independent audit of the government. The Parliament can instruct the OAG to initiate special audits.