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4. Social Inclusion

4.4 Inclusive programmes for young people

Last update: 28 November 2023
 On this page
  1. Programmes for vulnerable young people
  2. Funding
  3. Quality assurance


Programmes specific for vulnerable young people

According to the Youth Guarantee Action Plan, Revision of the Action Plan for the years 2018-2020, the following actions/programmes have been implemented by the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs:

Programme: Supporting business plans of unemployed young people aged 18-29

Budget (in Euros): 1,498,800

Number of beneficiaries: 3,000

Target group: The programme was implemented in collaboration with the social partners and was aimed at creating a unified counselling and mentoring environment for young people aged 18–29 to develop and implement sustainable business plans in the given economic and social environment. The business ideas were evaluated for their maturity by a team of assessors based on predefined evaluation criteria, and the 3,000 most mature business ideas were selected for guidance so that the beneficiaries could prepare complete business plans.

Programme: Entrepreneurship programme for unemployed young people aged 18-29

Budget (in Euros): 43,400,000

Number of beneficiaries: 2,500

Target group: Strengthening entrepreneurship

Programme: Youth Entrepreneurship Counseling Programme

Budget (in Euros): 750,000

Number of beneficiaries: 2,500

Target group: The mentoring services were implemented in collaboration with the social partners for the beneficiaries of the programme "Entrepreneurship programme for unemployed young people aged 18-29."

Programme: Special employment integration actions for young people with disabilities aged 18-29

Budget (in Euros): 27,123,000

Number of beneficiaries: 3,000

Target group: The programme, in terms of integrated intervention and individualised approach, contributed to the promotion of the professional and, consequently, social integration of people with disabilities aged 18–29. The Act as a whole was supported by five different sub-projects that are interconnected. Their goal was the smooth and effective integration of the beneficiaries into the world of work. The programme was aiming to create the right conditions in order to give the target group the opportunity to gain vocational training and work experience, which will facilitate their integration into the world of work.

Programme: Vocational training intervention for the unemployed aged 18-29 (training, internship, certification) in the fields of agri-food, processing, circular economy

Budget (in Euros): 40,246,666

Number of beneficiaries: 10,000

Target group: The action was aimed at unemployed graduates with a technological and economic orientation who can and want to be trained in ICT specialties and build bridges between this sector and the labour market through internships. The purpose of the action was to offer professional outlets to highly specialised graduates whose studies until now were related to the professions of teachers, such as physicists, chemists, biologists, etc.


The measures and sub-actions are financed primarily from national and European Union resources, including the resources to be disbursed from the Recovery and Sustainability Fund. For the implementation of the actions that cause expense, both the resources of the regular budget and the public investment budget, as well as the resources of the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 will be utilised. At the same time, resources of the Recovery Fund are utilized through the National Plan that has been prepared and channelled into actions aimed at repairing the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus COVID - 19 pandemic.

To this end, at the national level, government planning utilises resources from the regular budget, not only of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, but also of the other co-responsible, in matters of social policy, ministries and supervised bodies.

Sources of funding for the implementation of the measures and actions proposed in the framework of this National Strategy, as an example, can be the following:

 ▪ National resources both within the regular budget and within the Public Investment Programme

 ▪ Resources of the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 (European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund ECB +, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development)

▪ Resources of the European Asylum and Migration Fund

▪ Resources of the Fair Transition Fund (RTF)

▪ Resources available under the European Economic Area (EEA –E.A.A. Grants)

▪ Resources of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Mechanism

 ▪ Funds of the Integrated Border Management Fund

▪ Private resources from international organisations, etc.

Quality assurance

The budget management of the strategy is governed by the following financial management principles:

a. Principle of sound financial management

 According to the principle of sound financial management, the management of the assets and liabilities of the implementers of the National Social Integration Strategy, which includes the natural resources and the fiscal risks of the country, must be carried out prudently and with a view to ensuring the fiscal sustainability of the country. In particular, this principle specialises in:

▪ the principle of economy, according to which the means used to implement government policies must be available in a timely manner, in the appropriate quality and quantity, with the least financial burden and with the use of only the necessary administrative resources,

▪ the principle of efficiency, according to which the best possible relationship between the means used and the results produced must be observed; and

▪ the principle of effectiveness, according to which the achievement of the specific objectives and the results that have been defined in advance are monitored.

b. Principle of responsibility and accountability

According to the principle of responsibility and accountability, the government is responsible and accountable to Parliament for managing the public finances of the National Social Integration Strategy. All employees and officials involved in the public management of the strategy exercise their responsibilities, in order to ensure the stability and viability of the General Government's finances.

c. Principle of transparency

According to the principle of transparency, all officials and bodies that manage resources in the context of the implementation of the National Social Integration Strategy have the obligation to ensure timely information of an economic or other nature, related to the management of fiscal policy, in order for effective public scrutiny of fiscal policy and the financial situation of the state to become possible, unless the disclosure of the information would substantially damage Greece's national security, defense, or international relations.

d. Principle of honesty

In accordance with the principle of honesty, any financial and budgetary forecasts provided in any documents or reports prepared in the context of the implementation of the National Social Integration Strategy must be based, to the extent reasonably and practically possible, on factual evidence, decisions already announced by the government, or in other forecasts or estimates that are considered reasonable, while all the possibilities and risks that may have significant budgetary implications must be taken into account.