4.4 Inclusive programmes for young people
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Programmes for vulnerable young people
Erasmus+ in Spain: Youth Programme
The National Spanish Agency (Agencia Nacional Española, ANE) is the institution in charge of coordinating the programme for youth in Spain, under the European Commission Erasmus+ programme. The ANE is composed of the Spanish Youth Institute, the youth organisations of the Spanish autonomous regions and cities and the Spanish Youth Council (Consejo de la Juventud de España, CJE).
The programme runs from 2021 to 2027, and replaced the Youth in Action Programme (Programa Juventud en Acción), implemented in Spain between 2014 and 2020. Its main objectives include improving the skills and abilities of young people, promoting participation in European democratic life and promoting active citizenship and social integration.
Although the agency coordinating the programme is the National Spanish Agency, the programme involves different entities and individuals, such as non-profit organisations, non-governmental organisations, public bodies, educational institutions and foundations.
For the year 2023, the actions related to the programme have to do with are the same that the others last programs:
- Mobility projects for young people (Youth Exchanges and Volunteering) and youth workers;
- Great events of the European Voluntary Service;
- Strategic Partnerships;
- Capacity Building in the field of youth;
- Meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth.
However, there is one change with respect to other years' programs, and that is that in this new one, sports are considered as something fundamental. Sports coaches or people related to sports will be able to carry out this program based on their characteristics.
There is no official data or statistics on the participation of young people in this programme.
Projects for vulnerable young people within Erasmus+:
In Spain, there are plenty of proyects that support young people in a vulnerable situation with financial aid. Below, some Erasmus+ projects are given as examples.
Inclusive project for young people with disabilities of Fundación Once:
The project, called Inclusive Campus Network (Red de Campus Inclusivos), is implemented since 2015 between the Universities of Granada, Lisbon and Antwerp. It aims to encourage the access of students with disabilities to the university and international mobility. The participants are young persons with some type of disability who are studying at higher education level or baccalaureate so that they can live the university experience in one-week stays on the campus of one of the three participating universities.
There are no official data and statistics on the participation of young people in this programme.
JovEU Project:
The Proyecto JovEU is a project led by the European Anti-Poverty Network in Spain. It is aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years old in a situation of social vulnerability, with the intention of being active participants in the Spanish democratic life. The project proposes cooperation between young people and policy makers in the decision-making process of the joint development of youth policies.
The project started in December 2015 and finished at the end of 2016. Although there is no official data, the project expects to have the direct participation of at least 114 young people in a situation of social vulnerability and the indirect participation of 380 young people through programmed consultation activities, such as surveys and interviews designed ad hoc.
Intervention Programme with the Young Adults of the Spanish Correctional Administration:
The Intervention with the Young Adults Programme (Programa de intervención con jóvenes) in Spanish prisons is a programme aimed at young people aged 18 to 25 who are in Spanish prisons, whose task is to implement educational programmes aimed at curbing the development of a criminal career and achieving the social integration of prisoners after their release.
The programme is part of the so-called Treatment programmes (Programas de tratamiento) implemented by the Correctional Institution since 2005.
There is no official data or statistics on youth participation in this programme.
Projects within the Erasmus+
The funding received from projects for young people in a situation of vulnerability within the Erasmus+ programme is allocated according to the type of project submitted, its objectives and the priorities as set by the Erasmus+ agency itself. The funding comes from the European Commission.
Although it is not possible to differentiate the amounts allocated for projects relating to vulnerable young people for 2023, the total amount of subsidies granted by the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda to entities, associations and youngsters that participated in the Erasmus+ proyect was 4 430 Million euros, the largest annual financial envelope ever achieved by the Erasmus+ program.
This increase can be explained due to the interest of the European Commission in funding projects dedicated to social inclusion.
Intervention Programme with Young Adults of the Spanish Correctional Administration:
There is no specific breakdown of funding for the Intervention Programme specifically for young people, but rather figures for the totality of the programme. During 2021, a total of 29,210 Euros was budgeted, in 2022 a total of 28,568 and the budget for 2023 is 29,998 euros. (Presupuesto por programas y memoria de objetivos. Tomo VI).
Quality assurance
Evaluation system for the projects integrated into Erasmus+
In the Erasmus+ project guide, the quality assurance system applied by the organisation is detailed to ensure the quality of the projects, both in terms of financial control and quality in design, evaluation at different stages and the dissemination of the results.
For the evaluation of the impact of the projects, for example, Erasmus+ establishes indicators such as ‘facts and figures related to the website of the project organizers (updates, visits, consultations, referrals); number of meetings with the main participants; number of participants involved in the discussions and briefings (workshops, seminars, peer reviews); production and circulation of products; media coverage (articles in the specialised press, press releases, interviews, etc.); impact on the regional, national and EU policy measures’.
Intervention Programme with the Young Adults of the Spanish Correctional Administration
No public data are available on the impact evaluation of this programme.