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EACEA National Policies Platform
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

4. Social Inclusion

4.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 22 December 2023
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Main actors
  3. Consultation of young people
  4. Policy monitoring and evaluation


The design of a modern concept of behavior towards the socially excluded individuals required the establishment of a new social model which puts the individual and personality first, rather than the reasons for exclusion, the affiliation (ethnic or other), the diagnosis, disability or any other ground for the citizen’s social exclusion. This is a huge reform and should be led by all governmental and non-governmental institutions.

North Macedonia adopted the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies (Закон за младинско учество и младински политики) in January 2020, and one of the aims of the law is encouragement of personal, professional and social development of young people.

The Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia is the main body that adopts the overall legislation. The Government is the main executive body, and has the overall responsibility of planning and implementation of all policies related to social inclusion, as well as to propose legal documents and amendments to the Assembly. 

The implementation of social inclusion policies and strategies is related to coordinated and full cooperation between the Government, the ministries and the institutions of the system, as well as the cooperation of the state institutions and local government.

Along this, the participation of civil society organizations is extremely crucial in the part of expressing the interests of individuals and groups at risk or facing social exclusion.

The major changes introduced with the Ohrid Framework Agreement were establishment of a decentralized government, and provisions for altering the official languages of the country. According to Article 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia, any language spoken by over 20% of the population becomes co-official with the Macedonian language on municipal level. 

Members of nationalities have a right freely to express, foster and develop their identity and national attributes. The state guarantees the protection of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of the nationalities. Members of the nationalities have the right to establish institutions for culture and art, as well as scholarly and other associations for the expression, fostering and development of their identity. Members of the nationalities have the right to instruction in their language in primary and secondary education, as determined by law. In schools where education is carried out in the language of a nationality, the Macedonian language is also studied.

Main actors

Non-public actors

Many other national civil society organizations are taking actions in order to foster social inclusion. According to the Codex of Best Practices for civil society participation in the process of policy making (Кодекс на добри практики за учество на граѓанскиот сектор во процесот на креирање политики), civil society representatives are invited in developing policies in the area of social inclusion. 

Consultation of young people

The representative bodies of the young people in the country were included in the preparation of the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies.

Policy monitoring and evaluation

Social inclusion is a complex subject involving various stakeholders and covering different issues. According to the National Strategy for Reduction of Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Republic of Macedonia (Revised 2010-2020), there is a need for systematic, coordinated and long term cooperation between the centers for social work, the municipalities, the employment centers, nongovernmental organizations, the schools, police stations and other organizations, with a view of resolving the social issues.

Daily work of the centers for social work foreseen regular cooperation with police, courts, units of local self-government, educational institutions and civil society organizations. The lowest level of cooperation centers has with the civil society organizations, while the cooperation is somewhat better with the units of local self-government. Still, there is a need of widening the cooperation between the Centers and the units of local self-government in order to improve the efficiency and expertise in creating programs or local action plans for social inclusion.

There is also cooperation between the ministries and international organizations. For example, in 2017 USAID started the implementation of a project “Social Inclusion Through Technology” (Социјална инклузија преку технологија). The aim of the project is to help young people with disabilities to become part of the labor market, especially in the fast-growing IT sector. For the aim of the project, USAID signed a MoU with the MLSP and the State Labor Inspectorate.