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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Cross-sectoral cooperation


The 2016 Youth Law defines the objectives of youth policy. According to Art. 1.7, 'inclusion and social cohesion' is one of several important objectives of youth policy. Top-level policy concerning the social inclusion of young people falls within the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and is regulated by the department of youth within this Ministry.

Regional or local authorities are not directly involved in the development of policies in the field of social inclusion. However, the Association of Luxembourg Cities and Municipalities (Syvicol; Syndicat des Villes et Communes Luxembourgeoises), which is composed of local representatives, promotes the cities' and municipalities' interests. It gives opinions regarding draft legislation which have an impact on the local level.

Cross-sectoral cooperation

The governance approach to social inclusion is characterised by the cross-sectoral cooperation between ministries, departments and state or non-state agencies. The interdepartmental committee, which is composed of representatives of different governmental departments, is an important body  involved in policy-making in the field of employment and entrepreneurship social inclusion (see 1.4 Youth policy decision making).

Additional non-public actors participate in the regulation and implementation of young people's social inclusion:

  • Luxembourg Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN-Lëtzebuerg), an NGO consisting of 13 national member associations; the Caritas charity mission and the Red Cross (Croix-rouge) as umbrella organisations as well as 11 grassroots organisations
  • Confederation Caritas Luxembourg (Confédération Caritas Luxembourg asbl) working to fight poverty and social exclusion on the national and international level; it currently includes 18 member organisations.
  • 3 members of the Confederation, namely 'Fondation Caritas Luxembourg', 'Caritas Jeunes et Familles asbl' and 'Caritas Accueil et Solidarité asbl', collaborate more closely under the common name of Caritas Luxembourg. They provide various services for children and young people in need (e.g. psychological consultation, care facilities, crisis intervention, an emergency hotline for children and young people)
  • Red Cross (Croix-Rouge), an NGO offering many services for young people in need (e.g. foster care services, psychotherapy services for young people, residence for young mothers [between the ages of 13 and 17 years] and their children, adoption services)
  • Additional important factions, such as the youth departments/sections of the Luxembourgish labour unions (see: 5.3 Youth representation bodies) or the Mouvement ATD Quart Monde Luxembourg, an NGO that fights against poverty and social exclusion and promotes all people's dignity.