1.9 Current debates and reforms
In Spain, these are the main debates:
The debates from the Youth Strategy 2030 involve different scopes like the European perspective of the youth policies; the youth from the point of view of the administrations; the emancipation challenges; equality policies; participation, volunteering and cooperation; lifestyles, leisure and free time; culture, youth creation and ICT; youth in Spain, values and principles.
Currently one of the main debates related to youth governance is the issue of the voting age in elections. Currently in Spain the minimum age to vote in general, regional and local elections is 18 years old. It has been proposed to lower this age to 16 for several years. Three times recently it has been brought to congress to vote in favour of this change and it has been rejected all three times. There is a sub-committee in the Congress of Deputies that is studying this issue. The first vote was in 2016, the second in 2020 and the third in 2022.
The Spanish Youth Council (CJE) wants to promote the creation of a framework law that includes the voice of young people. Through this law they want to collect:
- The full compliance and guarantee in the creation of regional and municipal representation bodies for young people.
- Regulation of the Spanish Youth Council, as it was in the 1983 Law, as a representative and body that gathers the proposals of Spanish youth and passes them on to the institutions.
- Recognition of the volunteering experience and its importance in the identity and professional development of young people.
- The creation of a Youth Commission in the Congress of Deputies, aimed solely at pursuing initiatives that address the social rights of young people.