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EACEA National Policies Platform


5. Participation

5.5 National strategy to increase youth participation

Last update: 27 March 2024
On this page
  1. Existence of a national strategy to increase young people's political and civil society participation
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
  4. Revisions/ Updates


Existence of a national strategy to increase young people's political and civil society participation

In the National Youth Programme 2023-2025, under Chapter 3, Challenges and needs of young people, the subsection 3.2. is Youth participation in society. Participation is therefore one of the six priority areas in this document and for this period of time in Croatia


Scope and contents

The overall goal of the Youth participation measures in the Programme is to involve young people in decision-making more effectively. The National Programme emphasises lack of political literacy and participation of young people, as well as the lack of overall knowledge of youth participation, especially in the recent or current crisis circumstances. 

The measures to ensure empowerment, support and engagement of young people are: 

  • Measure 3.2.1. Enhancing involvement of youth in decision-making

    Financial support to youth associations for projects related to youth participation through a public call, with allocated 92 905 euros per year (years 2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.2. Creating a stimulating environment for the implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue

    Cofinancing of the project activities of the EU Youth dialogue, with an emphasis on the local level activities, with allocated 6 636 euros per year (years 2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.3.  Improvement of local and regional youth policy

    Financial support for the development of local and regional youth programmes, with allocated 26 544 per year (2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.4. Empowering youth for involvement in Youth Advisory Boards

    Raising awareness about the importance of participating in Youth Advisroy Boards and participating in the decision-making on questions important to youth on the local and regional level. Furthermore, the monitoring system of established and active youth councils will be improved using digital tools. Funds for this measure include 21 235 euros per year (2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.5. Ensuring conditions for improving the work of Youth Advisory Boards

    Designing a digital education programme for Youth Advisory Boards, with the budget of 13 272 euros per year (2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.6. Promoting sustainable community development

    Financial support to development and implementation of activities led by young people that have an emphasis on climate change awareness raising, as well as devising and taking measures to mitigate the impact of climate change on the environment and society, through a public call. The budget for this measure is 26 544 euros per year (2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.7. Encouraging youth for environmental protection

    A public call will serve as a basis for awards for young people that create short films with the aim to raise awareness of the importance of reducing negative environmental impacts, with allocated 2 654 euros per years 2023, 2024 and 2025. 

  • Measure 3.2.8. Creative and artistic expression of youth 

    A public call will provide financial support for the implementation of the activity “Croatia through the eyes of young people”, with the budget of 2 654 euros per year (2023, 2024, 2025).

  • Measure 3.2.9. Ensuring support for the work of the UN youth delegate

    An UN youth delegate will be appointed and their work supported. The UN youth delegate is participate in the work of General Assembly of the United Nations, in particular in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, or any bodies in the field of youth policy. Funds allocated to this measure are 3 981 euros per years 2023, 2024 and 2025. 

  • Measure 3.2.10. Ensuring support in the exchange of experiences and connecting Youth Advisory Boards at the national level

    Support will be given in organising yearly conference of the Youth councils, with funds of 1 327 euros per year (2023, 2024, 2025).


Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy

The Central State Office for Demography and Youth (CSODY) is responsible for the implementation of the National Youth Programme 2023-2025.



No further revisions or updates exist at this time.