8.10 Current debates and reforms
The ‘Culture and Youth’ chapter in the former National Youth Programme 2014-2017 highlights the lack of research on the relationships, needs, and habits of young people in the field of culture, as well as topics related to artistic and cultural education. At the same time, the realm of culture and youth is an area that needs systematic exploration to ensure that future strategic documents are based on relevant indicators and arguments derived from research work and recommendations. This, in turn, contributes to ensuring the quality and facilitation of young people's cultural life. It is, therefore, necessary to implement Measure 6, ‘Conduct of Research in the Field of Culture and Youth’.
The Ministry of Culture and Media is currently in the process of drafting the National Culture and Media Development Plan 2023-2027 and the Draft Proposal for the Action Plan for the Development of Culture and Media 2023-2024. By the end of 2023, these strategies have still not been adopted. So far, they have passed the e-Consultation procedure.