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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 27 March 2024
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Cross-sectorial cooperation



Public actors



The Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy (MLPSFSP) carries out administrative and coordinating tasks related to employment programmes, including housing the Labour Inspectorate. The MLPSFSP aligns employment policies with the Active employment policy measures 2016-2022, approved by the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

The MLPSFSP’s primary partner for implementing employment and entrepreneurship policies at the government level is the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MESD). The MESD carries out administrative and other activities related to small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, crafts, and cooperatives, as well as promotion of exports, foreign investments, and competitiveness in this sector. The MESD is also involved in international cooperation in crafts and small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.



The Croatian Employment Service (CES) is the primary agency in the employment sector. It manages the database of unemployed individuals and provides job incentives based on annual programme and consultations with a working group involving social partners and relevant civil society organisations. 

Labour market stakeholders include the following institutions and organisations:



Local and regional level

Communication at the local and regional level primarily occurs through the economic affairs administrative departments in counties, different branches of the above listed agencies, and regional development agencies.

The CES is a leading partner in Local Partnerships for Employment, project that complements national policies with initiatives tailored to regional labour markets. Local partners encompass stakeholders from the public, private, and civil sectors. The partnership’s purpose is to revise and advance an institutional framework for human resources development at the county level, and to enhance the capacities of local stakeholders in developing and implementing labour market policies.


Labour unions

Three major national trade unions  in Croatia are:


Schools and universities


Croatian bureau of statistics

The Croatian Bureau of Statistics manages the national database in the areas of employment and entrepreneurship.


Research institutes

The Economic Institute, the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, the Institute of Social Sciences ’Ivo Pilar’, and the Institute of Public Finance are the leading institutions in the research of employment and entrepreneurship.


Public consultations

Cooperation with civil society organisations happens as needed and/or is based on invitations to individual organisations, depending on the specific area and in accordance with the Code of Practice on Consultation with the Interested Public in Procedures of Adopting Laws, Other Regulations and Acts.


Non-public actors

There are 526 temporary employment agencies operating in Croatia.


Consultation with youth

Youth Advisory Boards act as a local, regional and national level consultation with young people. 


Cross-sectorial cooperation

Cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of youth employment has been established between the European Social Fund (ESF), primarily implemented by the CES, and non-governmental organisations, as well as employers. Non-governmental organisations and employers submit projects within the ESF to promote and enhance the employability of young people.

For example, in 2019, the MLPSFSP initiated the implementation of the ESF project Implementation of HKO and Development of Tools for Connecting Education and the Labour Market. The project’s goal is to align all educational programs with the actual needs of employers in the labour market. Additionally, it involves the development of the Labour Market Portal as a ‘central hub for information on career choice and development’.