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6. Education and Training

6.5 Cross-border learning mobility

Last update: 28 March 2024
On this page
  1. Policy framework
  2. Main cross-border mobility programmes for students in formal education
  3. Promoting mobility in the context of non-formal learning, and of youth work
  4. Quality assurance


Policy framework

In the Strategy for Education, Science and Technology, one of the goals in the education sector is the internationalisation of education. 

The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes Act was adopted in 2007. It gave the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) the responsibility of managing the mobility programmes of the European Union (EU).


Main cross-border mobility programmes for students in formal education

The primary financial instruments for implementing mobility measures include international programmes (such as the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, Erasmus+), bilateral agreements in the field of education concluded by the Croatian Government, and the regional Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS).

Erasmus+ is the largest EU programme for education, training, youth, and sport, covering the period from 2014to2020 and extending to the latest period from 2021 to 2027. It facilitates international mobility for individuals and promotes international cooperation for organisations. The budget for 2021 was over €28 million, for 2022, it exceeds €36 million and for 2024, it exceeds €44 million.

The CEEPUS programme funds studying abroad through an agreement among 16 Middle and East European countries. Croatia signed the CEEPUS Agreement in 1995, and there is a National CEEPUS office within the AMEUP. Croatia awards 450 scholarship months annually. The Ministry of Science and Education (MSE) provides about €200,000 annually for the CEEPUS programme. This funding supports the stay of foreign students and teachers, as well as the travel expenses of Croatian students and teachers.

The Strategy for Education, Science and Technology, in the section pertaining to higher education, sets a goal to increase the mobility of arriving and departing students and teachers (Objective 7.1). 

The proposed measures are:

  • Increase allocations for student and teacher mobility to ensure a 10% mobility rate for departing students and a 5% mobility rate for arriving students by 2020, including both semester and degree mobility (Measure 7.1.1) 
  • Remove internal obstacles to mobility in tertiary education institutions. It is necessary to remove obstacles to mobility pertaining to recognising ECTS credits achieved through mobility and establish an appropriate system to encourage students to participate in mobility programmes (Measure 7.1.2) 
  • Ensure a scholarship system for incoming students in Croatian doctoral studies(Measure 7.1.4) 
  • Ensure a scholarship system for students embarking on doctoral studies abroad (Measure 7.1.5)

Measures 7.1.1, 7.1.4, and 7.1.5 fall under the responsibility of the MSE, whereas measure 7.1.2. is the responsibility of the Croatian Rectors' Conference and the Council of Polytechnics and Colleges

The planned activities include promoting the mobility of departing students through one-time financial support for studying abroad, increasing the number of scholarships for priority countries based on the principle of reciprocity, conducting informational and promotional activities by the AMEUP, enhancing the Higher Education and Scholarships Fair, and encouraging participation in Horizon 2020 programme activities. 

Additionally, the Study in Croatia web portal has been launched, offering information about the opportunities for studying in Croatia. The portal was launched as part of the measures outlined in the Action Plan for Removing Obstacles and Enhancing International Learning Mobility for the period 2010-2012

In the fields of primary and secondary education, the Action Plan to Internationalise Education 2015-2016 stipulates that the MSE will provide systematic support for international mobility. An analysis to identify existing obstacles to mobility and preparations for implementing certificates for the recognition of learning outcomes achieved during mobility are planned. However, the Strategy for Education, Science and Technology does not address international mobility in primary and secondary education.


Promoting mobility in the context of non-formal learning, and of youth work

The implementation of mobility is performed through the Erasmus+ programme, which provides a portion of the funds for youth mobility.

The new National Youth Programme 2023-2025 emphasises strengthening the international mobility of young people (Goal 3.4.1), with the AMEUP being responsible for this initiative. Eurodesk Croatia was founded in 2014, within the AMEUP framework. It is a part of the European youth information network, aiming to provide young people and those involved in youth work with quality information on European projects and youth policies, promoting mobility for learning. Eurodesk Croatia provides support to organisations that inform and advise young people on mobility opportunities. It conducts local and participates in European information campaigns, cooperates with other information networks and partners, and participates in the process of structured dialogue within the National Workgroup


Quality assurance

In accordance with the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes Act, the ministries responsible for education and youth oversee the work of the AMEUP. According to the AMEUP Bylaws, the AMEUP is mandated to perform studies, analysis, and research of programme activities on a national level. The AMEUP has an internal Department of Coordination and Quality Assurance for Mobility Programmes and publishes yearly reports on its activities.

The AMEUP commissioned an independent satisfaction survey in 2017. Users were most satisfied with the performance of AMEUP’s employees and the agency’s ability to meet their expectations, with both statements receiving an average rating of 4.3 out of 5. Users were less satisfied with the usefulness of information on the AMEUP’s website, giving it a rating of 3.5 out of 5). In February 2013, an online questionnaire was distributed to users who had signed a financing contract with the AMEUP in 2011 or 2012. Out of the 767 users, 44.58% completed the questionnaire. Additionally, an evaluation study Towards the Internationalisation of Education – Croatian Participation in the Lifelong Learning Programme was conducted, covering the period from 2009 to 2013 for all sub-programmes.