10.4 Quality and innovation in youth work
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Quality assurance
Research and evidence supporting Youth Work
Participative Youth Work
Smart youth work: youth work in the digital world
Quality assurance
The main criteria used to evaluate the quality of projects’ proposals submitted for funding under the “Youth Initiatives” Funding Scheme, described in section 5.6, are the quality of the design and implementation, the relevance of the proposed activity with the priorities of the specific action, the expected impact and the level of participation of young people in the design and implementation phases of the project.
According to the Programme’s Guide, the Youth Board reserves the right to carry out on-the-spot checks verifying that the activities are being carried out according to the approved proposal and request a refund of the entire funding or part of it, if the project does not meet the established criteria.
Research and evidence supporting Youth Work
In order to support better knowledge and understanding of current situation and needs of young people, the Youth Board of Cyprus established in 2020 the large-scale quantitative survey Youth-Barometer, described as well in section 1.6. The Youth Barometer collects, among others, the needs of young people and their satisfaction regarding specific aspects of their life. However, the the Youth-Barometer editions that have been conducted since 2020, haven’t looked at issues related to youth work per se.
There is no specific budget line in Youth Board’s budget dedicated to research on youth work. The overall budget of research can be used for any kind of research in the field of youth, including youth work.
Participative Youth Work
As described in section 5.4, in the framework of the National Youth Strategy, the Youth Board organises consultations with young people, in which young people can take part and express their views and suggestions on several policy initiatives and youth work programmes.
Moreover, the Working Group on youth work, referred to in section 10.2 Administration and governance of youth work, that consists of umbrella youth organisations’ representatives, ensures the participation and contribution of young people in designing policies and measures related to youth work.
Smart youth work: youth work in the digital world
Social media are widely used by the Youth Board of Cyprus in order to reach out to young people.
As a response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the need for digitalization of youth work, the Youth Board of Cyprus organized online youth counselling for career issues and a series of workshops “Let’s go digital”. Online career counselling services are still provided through the Career Service of the Youth Board.
Trainings aiming at equipping youth workers and young people with digital skills are organised by the Youth Board of Cyprus at the Youth Multicentres.
Youth Makerspace is another top-level programme that makes digital infrastructure available to youth work providers and provides training opportunities for the use of technological equipment but also for developing ideas and projects.
Moreover, through the National Funding Scheme of the Youth Board "Youth Initiatives", youth organisations can apply for funding for the purchase of hardware and other technological equipment for their youth spaces/centers. The funding scheme “ReCOVer2020” which ran during the covid pandemic provided funding for the purchase of digital platforms as well.
With regard to top-level initiatives aiming at facilitating cooperation and partnerships between youth work providers and actors in other fields, the Youth Makerspace as a venue of innovation, supports the transmission of digital practices and technology to youth work. Specifically, the Youth Makerspace organises since 2023 the “Makers fair” where professionals and amateurs, creators and makers, youth organizations and representatives from different sectors come together to promote innovation and encourage experimentation.