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9. Youth and the World

9.5 Green volunteering, production and consumption

Last update: 29 March 2024
On this page
  1. Green volunteering
  2. Green production and consumption

Green volunteering

As mentioned in the section 9.4, the initiative “Let’s Do it Cyprus” promotes also green volunteering among young people. A similar campaign is the “WEGREEN CYPRUS” (Πρασινίζουμε τηνΚύπρο) which acts for the reforestation and recuperation of natural sights destroyed by the catastrophic forest fires during summer of 2016. The campaign is run by the Department of Forests, the Cyprus Forest Association, the Commissioner for the Environment and other relevant public authorities. The programme is financed by private and public donations and its operational needs are covered totally through voluntary work. The target group of the programme is the entire population in Cyprus, including young people.

Green production and consumption

There are no main top-level policies, programmes, projects or initiatives that foster young people's participation in green production and consumption apart from the ones mentioned above and in section 9.4 on Non-formal and informal learning.