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EACEA National Policies Platform


5. Participation

5.9 E-participation

Last update: 30 July 2024

In July 2024, the Presidency launched the first online crowdsourcing platform for Youth, called "EkfraCY", in an effort to promote the interactive two-way communication between the government and people aged 18-35 and facilitate the participation of young people in the design and implementation of policies that affect them. The platform aims to bring the voice of young people to the forefront, by collecting their views on specific topics and offering at the same time feedback from the Government itself and its officials. Specifically, the members of the platform will have the opportunity to submit their views and proposals on specific topics through thematic questionnaires that will be uploaded by the Government, but also submit their suggestions on any other issue of their interest. The design of the EkfraCY platform was based on the ease of registration and participation, in order to encourage the active involvement of all young people in Cyprus. 

Moreover, the Youth Board of Cyprus encouraged young people to participate in the development, implementation and monitoring of the National Youth Strategy 2017-2022 through e-consultation processes that took place take place via the platform OPIN. The platform resulted from a European-wide research project, the EUth that was funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020). 

In addition, youth organisations are also invited to submit their policy proposals through the website of the Youth Policy Department of the Youth Board of Cyprus. 

Moreover, population including young people can participate in consultations for the shaping of legislation through the platform η-Διαβούλευση. The purpose of the platform is to create channels of communication and dialogue between the private sector/other interested parties with public bodies during the process of shaping legislation through public consultation, based on the principles of transparency and accessibility.

There are not any national data or studies treating the relationship between e-participation and youth political engagement.