6.4 Validation of non-formal and informal learning
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Arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning
Information and guidance
Quality assurance
Arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning
There is no official validation system of competences and skills acquired though non-formal and informal learning in Cyprus, yet. Several of the objectives of the National Youth Strategy 2017-2022 (Εθνική στρατηγική για τη νεολαία 2017-2022) focus on youth work and non-formal and informal learning (NFL).
In addition, the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth coordinated the project “Establishment of Validation Mechanisms for non-formal and informal Learning - Pilot Implementation" (Θέσπιση Μηχανισμών Επικύρωσης Mη-Tυπικής και Άτυπης Μάθησης – Πιλοτική Εφαρμογή). However, in regards to setting the occupational standards of youth workers in Cyprus, discussions are still taking place among the public stakeholders for their finalisation.
Information and guidance
Since there is yet no official validation system of non-formal and informal learning in Cyprus, there are not any awareness-raising activities by top-level authorities to inform and guide on the topic.
The project “"Establishment of Validation Mechanisms for non-formal and informal Learning - Pilot Implementation" (Θέσπιση Μηχανισμών Επικύρωσης Mη-Tυπικής και Άτυπης Μάθησης – Πιλοτική Εφαρμογή) included the design of a mechanism for the provision of guidance services and the advisory support of the candidates who will be led to certification, as well as the preparation of educational material for the training of guidance counsellors.
Quality assurance
There is no existing system of quality assurance of the arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal competences in Cyprus. As this is part of an ongoing reform, for more information please see section 6.10.