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5. Participation

5.7 “Learning to participate” through formal, non-formal and informal learning

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Policy Framework
  2. Formal learning
  3. Non-formal and informal learning
  4. Quality assurance/quality guidelines for non-formal learning
  5. Educators' support

Policy Framework


The national strategy which applies to social and civic competencies and their development is the National Youth Policy Towards 2030 – Reaching out to, working with, and supporting young people.


The document has 2 overarching aims. These are to effectively support and encourage young people in fulfilling their potential and aspirations while addressing their needs and concerns, and to effectively support young people as responsible citizens who participate in and contribute to the social, economic, political, and cultural life of the nation and Europe and beyond. Both these aims empower young people to take control of their lives by increasing their social and civic competencies.


The policy has 8 strategic goals intended, among other things, to raise awareness among young people of issues that impact their everyday lives; facilitate young people’s transition to adulthood; provide supports and services that enable young people to learn, work in and contribute to their communities and the wider society and create an environment that fosters equality, inclusion, educational and economic opportunity, and democratic participation.


Also, the National Curriculum Framework - A National Curriculum Framework for All 2012 - aims to enable individuals to become lifelong learners. This implies an effort by all to give learners the knowledge, skills, competencies, attitudes, and values necessary to be attracted to further and higher education, to re-skilling and up-skilling during the working years and to active participate in civic and social life.

Formal learning

Citizenship education is not a standalone subject. It falls within Education for Democracy Learning Area and is directed towards developing responsible citizens.  It is integrated into Social Studies; Personal, Social and Career Development and European Studies.


The learning objectives are about learning the principles of democracy, active citizenship, and active participation in society.


Non-formal and informal learning

Participative structures within formal education settings


The Youth Hub is a non-formal educational service provided and funded by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ – the National Youth Agency - within formal upper-secondary education set-ups. Youth Hubs offer an informal and recreational environment in which a youth worker can build a healthy relationship with young people. As a result of this relationship, the youth worker can work with young people so that they can come up with projects and initiatives that enhance both their personal and social skills and that in turn upgrade their educational attainment and employability. The Youth Hubs serve a number of purposes and aims. First, the distinctions between formal, non-formal, and informal learning environments are at once both articulated and resolved: learning becomes a lifelong pursuit regardless of age or environment. Second, the merits and ends of particular forms of learning emerge as both distinctive and mutually supportive. Third, the effect on young people’s moral and confidence through their active involvement and participation in shaping and developing their own learning environment is a means of empowering them to make decisions, to work towards the achievement of their aims and aspirations and take responsibility for their actions both as individuals and citizens.


Since the scholastic year 2018/2019 a newly accredited training programme for young people called “Award in Youth Leadership” was developed by Agenzija Zghazagh and is being delivered by youth workers and teachers together in different higher education institutions. This training programme is made up of 4 modules:

  • Introduction to Leadership
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Strategic Planning
  • Civic responsibilities and Active Citizenship

The Award in Youth Leadership training programme is designed to enable young people to acquire skills that will allow them to serve as catalysts for change in their personal and social lives, be it in organisations or communities where they belong.


During the pandemic, the Award in Youth Leadership was also available online.



All State Schools in Malta have the opportunity to elect a School Council, regulated through the Education Act of the Laws of Malta. The School Council is a forum where teachers and parents work together for the benefit of the children and the school. In post-secondary schools (with students of 16 years and older) 3 members of this Council are elected by and from the students themselves during bi-annual elections. The School Councils are responsible for:

  • administrating the funds and assets of the School;
  • discussing the school environment and the school amenities and propose ways to ameliorate them;
  • discussing the curriculum and the educational services offered by the school and make suggestions to the Department of Education regarding changes or additions to the curriculum;
  • discussing and monitoring any environmental, transport and other problems;
  • organising fund-raising activities as well as educational and cultural activities both for students and parents.

The Education Act also calls for the establishment of Student Councils within every school. This council serves as a voice for students within that institution.

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ manages the Student Councils Democracy Awards. This programme is offered to all secondary schools and post-secondary schools in Malta and Gozo.  Participating student councils compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards as they implement their Student Council Action Plans over a period of one scholastic year.  This programme is underpinned by the values of democracy, active citizenship, participation, dialogue, leadership, and equality.  Training is provided to both Link teachers and young people. Eur 150 and Eur 300 are granted to secondary and post-secondary schools respectively as an incentive to take part in this programme and start running the council.  A toolkit guides the process and youth workers are available to support the student councils and the school coordinators.

Measures to encourage student participation in the local community and wider society


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ together with the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programs launched a programme called Impatt. Through this programme youth students aged 13-15 are encouraged to team up and participate in democratic decision making at both local and national level. Participating students research historical and cultural heritage pertaining to several Maltese localities in which the schools are found while analysing how the course of time impacted their respective social, environmental, economic, and cultural dimensions. This initiative also requires participating students to draft brief proposals and present these proposals to their respective Local Councils, to ensure further sustainable development aligned with Malta’s Sustainable Development Vision 2050.  The chosen theme got 2023 is Ocean Literacy.


Idejazzjonisti is a program by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ for young people between 14 and 18 who want to participate in their communities as active citizens. Groups of up to 5 young people join together and to come up with a proposal concerning the preservation and conservation of a particular element in their locality. A youth worker facilitates the whole process. Throughout this programme these young people will:

  • receive training related to civic education skills, to enable them to participate as active citizens in their communities.
  • learn to work intergenerationally.
  • take an interest in the life of their community, in the challenges and opportunities that offer, and at the same time be able to propose ways of conservation and improvement.
  • reflect on their communities, in all physical elements,
  • intergenerational, social and cultural aspects that shape it and how they affect it
  • gain leadership skills while having the opportunity to put these skills to good use for the service of society.



Partnerships between formal education providers, youth organisations and youth work providers



Aġenzija Żgħażagħ- the Maltese National Youth Agency in collaboration with Scouts (Malta) signed up a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a programme to help young people enhance their personal and social skills, integrate within their communities and engage in extra-curricular and after-school activities. Students from different schools within the 13 to 16 and 17 to 18 age groups using the service benefit from non-formal outdoor education expertise of the organisations such as the Scouts and the youth work expertise provided through Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. The salaries of the youth workers employed with this project and the resources to run the project are paid through public funding.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ - the Maltese National Youth Agency in collaboration with Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika – Catholic Action Youth signed a Memorandum of Understanding through which the latter runs a number of Youth Cafes’ where young people can meet up informally and participate in activities that are inducive to learning of civic and social competences.  The salaries of the youth workers employed with this project and the resources to run the project are paid through public funding.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ signed a memorandum of understanding with MCAST to provide the latter with youth services including a youth worker on campus and the services of a Youth Hub. a non-formal educational service within a formal education set-up. It offers a recreational environment through which the youth worker can work with young people so that they can come up with projects and initiatives that enhance their potential.  The youth worker also engages in various outreach activities within the school premises to ensure as much contact as possible with the young people. The salaries of the youth workers employed with this project and the resources to run the project are paid through public funding.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ signed a memorandum of understanding with Institute for Tourism Studies to provide the latter with youth services including a youth worker on campus and the services of a Youth Hub, a non-formal educational service within a formal education set-up. It offers a recreational environment through which the youth worker can work with young people so that they can come up with projects and initiatives that enhance their potential.  The youth worker also engages in various outreach activities within the school premises to ensure as much contact as possible with the young people. The salaries of the youth workers employed with this project and the resources to run the project are paid through public funding.



Aġenzija Żgħażagħ signed an agreement with the Malta Gay Rights Movement to provide the latter with youth services including a youth worker on campus and the services of a Youth Café where young people can meet up informally and participate in activities that are inducive to learning of civic and social competences focusing specifically on issues related to human rights focusing on LGBTIQ specifically.  The salaries of the youth workers employed with this project and the resources to run the project are paid through public funding.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ signed an agreement with the Malta Olympic Committee and Frame Football Malta and the Department of Physical Education so that together they will deliver an inclusive sport programme called Swish in secondary schools. The programme embraces ideals of inclusion through sport and promotes the values of acceptance, non-discrimination and human rights by challenging different ability stereotypes. The programme provides a space where students can explore, and experience different realities as lived by persons with different abilities through experiential and reflective sessions. The salaries of the youth workers employed with this project and the resources to run the project are paid through public funding.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ in collaboration with the Ministry for Education and Employment, through different Subject Departments, is providing a number of hands-on training courses an seminars for students between the ages of 13 -16-year old amongst which are the following:


The I.S.S.A. – Insahhu l-iSkola bi Studenti Attivi programm is a collaboration with the Department for Social Studies, aims to explore how these students can experience active citizenship in the immediate. These sessions, for all secondary students, present ways for them through which they can actually contribute during their daily routines, at home, at school, in their free time and in their communities.


The Swish programme is a collaboration with the Department for Physical Education and embraces ideals of inclusion through sport and promotes the values of acceptance, non-discrimination and human rights by challenging different ability stereotypes. The programme provides a space where students can explore, and experience different realities as lived by persons with different abilities through experiential and reflective sessions.


Jumpstart is a collaboration with the Department for Media Studies encourages young people in secondary schools to develop their creative and technical skills in film-making.


It’s my Choice programme is a collaboration with the Department for Personal, Social and Career Development, that includes sessions for young people in secondary schools that focuses on the relationship between weighing options, and making choices on issues that are relevant to young people- stressful situations, different career paths and first-time voting.


Esporaturi tal-Ambjent is a collaboration with the Department of Alternative and Applied Learning with the aim  to raise awareness of the environment, become aware of environmental realities, act by cleaning the environment and the importance of taking action in a team.


The FineOnline programme developed and delivered by youth workers from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ in secondary schools is designed to present information and generate discussion and reflection to enable young people to manage their digital health and well-being more effectively – the first aid of digital well-being.


There are 2 FineOnline programmes entitled deFINEonline – for young people in Years 7 & 8 and reFINEonline – for young people in Years 9 & 10. Through these sessions young people can:

  • Become aware about the importance and scope of digital wellness;
  • Acquire strategies to enable virtual well-being;
  • Be able to self-manage a healthy online/offline balance.

Stand Up Speak Out is an online life skills programme developed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and designed to enable young people, from Year & to Year 10 to deal with hate speech and equip themselves with skills to counter intimidating behaviour in schools, outside of schools, and online. Through 8 interactive sessions, young people discuss and express themselves in different scenarios while outlining other solutions to minimize and stop hate speech. During Stand Up Speak Out young people will:

  • Understand what hate speech is and be able to distinguish different types of intimidation
  • Identify and discuss the actions of the perpetrator’s behaviour
  • Outline different skills needed to help victims and by-standers to stand up and speak out
  • Become aware of the different professionals that can help and support me.


Supporting non-formal learning initiatives focusing on social and civic competences



Aġenzija Żgħażagħ coordinates the Model European Parliament (MEP) in Malta. This project creates an opportunity for young people who are interested in politics and wish to develop their skills in public speaking and political debate to participate in a simulation of the European Parliament. As the representative of MEP Europe in Malta, organises national selections to choose the best delegates from 16 to 19 years old to represent Malta for upcoming international MEP sessions which are held twice a year in different European countries. National selections include training and information workshops followed by a simulated European Parliament session which discusses and debates topics of current interest of controversy. Those young people deemed the best contributors in debates can take part as Maltese delegates to the following international MEP session.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ also provides further training and travel costs to the chosen delegates for an international MEP session. Maltese delegates who excel during international MEP sessions also have the possibility of returning to the next MEP session as Committee Presidents.


Young Parliamentarians #ejjewniddibattu is a non-formal education programme for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 leading to an interschool debating tournament. It is run by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ’s youth workers in 2 phases. During the first phase, participants are equipped with skills to present their ideas, petition for their approval and how to draft recommendations ahead of the #ejjewniddibattu tournament. Some of these recommendations will be used during Phase 2; the debating tournament. Different school teams will take part in a debating tournament, with the winning team receiving the Young Parliamentarians trophy and a prize money of €750 and the runners up Eur 250. A trophy will also be awarded to the best debater.


Transition Programmes are made up of 3 separate programmes that facilitate young people’s transition from one school to the next. These include:


My Next School Adventure is an online school transition programme for young people who are entering secondary schooling developed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. For young people, this transition to secondary schooling often poses a number of challenges as they have to deal with new subjects, different teachers and timetables, they will be meeting new students and much more. However, this transition also presents new opportunities. During the 8 online sessions the students will have the opportunity to meet up with peer who will be going through the same school transition and together with a youth worker they explore their personal skills; look into effective ways to express their views in class; discover learning styles; learn how to work effectively with fellow students; learn to be active students; how to deal with conflict and how to get support and also how to manage time both at school and home.


The Secondary Schools Survival Kit is an online transition programme, developed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ that aims to equip students with essential skills for a smooth transition to their last 3 years of secondary school. Students who are equipped with this kit will find it easier to transition through their last leg of secondary school. This programme is made up of 8 themes, one for each session, that will prompt a discussion around transition, change, celebrating self and friendships, and how to navigate the inevitable stresses associated with these years.  The Secondary Schools Survival Kit encourages students to look ahead and start building toward their future goals as individuals and as members of their respective communities.  On completion of the sessions, students are given a certificate of participation and the survival kit.


The Make Head Programme is a transition programme that gives young people skills for a successful transition from a Secondary school to a Post-Secondary Institution. The sessions will tackle various themes and will also focus on life in a Post-Secondary institution. On completion of the sessions, students are given a certificate of participation.


TeamWorth is a teambuilding session delivered in secondary schools by youth workers from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, to motivate students and help them understand the true meaning of teamwork.

Quality assurance/quality guidelines for non-formal learning

All quality assurance for the above projects falls under the responsibility of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. The law that established the agency clearly states that one of the roles and responsibilities of the agency is to ensure the highest standards in youth work in Malta.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ also has an Internal Quality Assurance Policy procedure that involves measuring and improving service delivery, stakeholder relationship and clients satisfaction. The review process involves:

  • Peer review assessments of projects, policies and procedures
  • Surveys and focus groups with clients
  • Discussions with staff, stakeholders and clients
  • Direct observation
  • Self-evaluation



Educators' support

The Institute for Education organises Professional Learning Sessions for teachers that serve their Continuous Professional Development. Teachers are obliged to attend such courses prior to the start of every scholastic year.


Trainers and youth workers can participate in an annual programme of Transnational Cooperation Activities organised by the European Union Programme Agency.


Aġenzija Żgħażagħ adopted a system of supervision for all its employees. Through this procedure, employees have the opportunity to reflect on their practice through the mentoring of a senior colleague.


Also, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ has an annual training programme for its youth workers, in 2020 this included the ECDL; Being Online: Social Media Training; Where’s the Punchline; report writing course; general disability issues; food handling; MOOC on youth work and first aid.


The training in 2021 included Sex education for persons with intellectual disabilities; a dyslexia training course; dealing with autism; report writing; disability issues; Jimmy e-learning course; Open Online Course on Digital Youth Work; Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the School System and Project management and implementation skills.


The training in 2022 included First aid; sex education for persons with intellectual disabilities; Fire warden; food handling; connection and Autism; ICDL; Microsoft power platforms and Online Microsoft 365.