5.9 E-participation
There are no legal frameworks aiming to promote young people's e-participation.
The Aġenzija Żgħażagħ in collaboration with the National Youth Council has started a process where every quarter, young people are consulted on a particular issue (e.g. social media, education or health). Consultation is open to all young people and it is done using online survey platforms. The results of these surveys are then published and presented to relevant policy-makers.
The Maltese National Working Group for the Structured Dialogue also makes use of online survey platforms when collecting feedback from young people.
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ coordinates and manages the Maltese Opin.me platform. This platform creates a space where young people can be consulted online on a number of policy issues that affect them directly or indirectly.
The Opin.me platform was extensively used for the consultation process on the National Youth Policy, which covers the period between 2021-2030. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the National Youth Council set up the platform so as it could host the draft of the National Youth Policy: Towards 2030 and encouraged young people and youth organisations to participate in this consultation. The idea behind this was further pushed forward by the Covid-19 pandemic that limited the number of young people that could be together in a physical environment. Through Opin.me platform young people and youth organisations had the opportunity to have their say on matters that concerned them directly.
I-Participate was an e-participation project held by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ in 2017. The OPIN platform by EUth was used to conduct the e-participation process. The project used both offline and online methodologies. During its online part young people had the opportunity to provide feedback on a number of issues concerning their well-being that were being discussed on a national level. The discussions which generated the most interest were the Legalisation of Marijuana and Vot16+. Through this initiative young people proposed a number of recommendations were used during an offline event held where young people presented these recommendations to the policymakers concerned.
Also, since 2014, young people may also avail of a consultation platform hosted by the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality called Public Consultations Online. In this platform legislations, policies, strategies, green papers and white papers are uploaded and become available for public consultation.