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6. Education and Training

6.5 Cross-border learning mobility

Last update: 25 March 2024
On this page
  1. Policy framework
  2. Main cross-border mobility programmes for students in formal education
  3. Promoting mobility in the context of non-formal learning, and of youth work
  4. Quality assurance

Policy framework

In November 2011, Member States agreed on a benchmark of at least 20% of higher education graduates having had a period of study or training abroad, and 6% for vocational education and training students, both to be reached by 2020.

Reference is also to be made to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide issued by the European Commission (EC) yearly. In view of every call year the NA sets targets for every sector through its work plan which considers the EC budget allocation to Malta and the targets achieved in the previous call year. Once the workplan is approved by the EC the NA moves on to implement its work plan by allocating funds and addressing the priorities set by the EC in line with the European Education area.

Main cross-border mobility programmes for students in formal education

The European Union Programmes Agency is a legal autonomous agency established through the legal notice 128 of 2007. The Agency is a Ministry for Economy, EU Funds & Lands unit. The aim of the EUPA has always been to support Maltese individuals and entities in availing themselves of funding under the various educational programmes provided by the European Commission., Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. EUPA acts as a link between the European Commission and project promoters both at national as well as at local level, promotes and manages EU projects of an educational nature, content or objective. The EUPA engages in initiatives consonant with the educational policies and strategies implemented in Malta.

During 2007 and 2013 the EUPA was responsible for managing the decentralised action of former generations of EU programmes for education including the Youth in Action and the Lifelong Learning Programme. During 2014 and 2020, the EUPA managed the Erasmus+ Programme, the EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. Education, training, youth and sport are key areas that support citizens in their personal and professional development. Programme decentralised actions are implemented at national level by a network of National Agencies. In Malta the National Agency responsible for the management of these actions is the EUPA and from 2018, EUPA also took in its hands the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps, which aims to enhance the engagement of young people and organisations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities, primarily through volunteering. In the new programming period for 2021-2027, EUPA remains responsible for managing the Erasmus+ Programmes and the European Solidarity Corps.

The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) works on promoting, implementing and offering guidance for using EU tools that support mobility. These include ECVET, ECTS, and the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF).  Furthermore, the MFHEA is in the process of developing a database for the national qualifications (database) (NQD) and linking it to the Learning Opportunities and Qualifications (LOQ) so that local and foreign students can get access to qualifications offered in Malta and Europe.

The MFHEA also collects data on student mobility during studies to monitor and evaluate credit and short term study mobility.

The University of Malta has been participating in the Erasmus programme for the last 19 years and has over this period of time strategically positioned the programme for it to be considered as not just the EU's but also the UOM's flagship programme for mobility. From its inception the UOM adopted a policy that studies conducted abroad through Erasmus and other programmes would be considered part of one's course of studies - this ensures that full recognition is obtained and a certain level of flexibility is allowed. The University of Malta is currently moving out a large number of students from courses which are linked to warrants and licencing which in itself can be a bit more complex to organise but which has been mastered successfully. 

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) has been one of the main promoters and users of Erasmus+ funds for student and staff mobility in recent years.  MCAST is implementing various actions to sustain international mobility of staff and students in higher education. Some of them are:

  1. Increase the number of partner institutions across the EU to increase the number of available places for student and staff mobilities;
  2. Engage Erasmus+ champions in all the Institutes at MCAST to promote and facilitate international mobility;
  3. Organise students training courses to be entirely semester-based to enable students to go on international study mobilities during the academic year.

The ALMA project was launched in October 2023 and is led by Jobsplus with the support of the Ministry responsible for education and the Chamber of SMEs. It targets disadvantaged young people aged 18 to 29 who are currently not engaged in Employment, Education, or Training. The project's goal is to unlock the potential of these young people through a three-month period of engaging, non-formal training, emphasizing soft skills, independence skills, and life skills and a two-month work placement in a European Union country. This comprehensive approach aims to prepare participants for personal and professional growth. ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) is one of the European Commission initiatives for the European Year of Youth 2022 and a key instrument in implementing the Reinforced Youth Guarantee. 

As of 2018, the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) is also coordinating the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). The European Solidarity Corps (or, Korp Ewropew ta' Solidarjetà - KETS) is the new European Union initiative that enables young people to show solidarity with communities in their respective country and abroad.

Under the Erasmus+ Programme Higher Education students have the opportunity to study abroad for a period of 3 and 12 months. The European Commission finances it. In Malta, Erasmus+ is administered by the National Agency (EUPA) and the higher education institutions participating in the programme.

Furthermore under the Erasmus+ Programme VET learners (including apprentices) in vocational training organisations (VET providers), have the opportunity to participate in work placements or a combination of school based learning and work placements, such activities last between 2 weeks and 3 months, whereas long term mobility in VET providers last between 3 and 12 months.

KA2 school exchange partnership projects

Students in secondary education can participate in a KA2 school exchange partnership project.  The main aim of Strategic Partnerships is to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level. The primary goal is to allow schools to develop and reinforce networks, increase their capacity to operate at a transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods. A transnational Strategic Partnership involves at least three organisations from three different Programme Countries. Exceptionally, the following 

projects may involve at least two organisations from two different Programme Countries: Strategic Partnerships for schools only: This type of partnership may only apply for projects supporting exchange of good practices between organisations from Programme Countries.

In the field of school education, there are a number of priorities;

Reinforcing the development of key competences (in line with the Council Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning), for example, by promoting cross-curricular collaboration, creativity, and innovative learning approaches and environments, cooperating with stakeholders in local communities and abroad, supporting teachers in delivering competence-based teaching, and developing assessment and validation of key competences. 

Strengthening the profile of the teaching professions, including teachers, school leaders and teacher educators, for example by: making careers more attractive and diverse; strengthening selection, recruitment and evaluations (models of staff appraisal, assessment and feedback); enhancing teachers’ initial education and continuous professional development and linking its different phases; facilitating and significantly increasing teacher mobility, including by overcoming remaining obstacles; supporting teachers in developing innovative teaching and assessment methods, especially to promote competence-oriented teaching and learning; strengthening leadership in education, including distributed leadership and teacher leadership. 

Promoting a comprehensive approach to language teaching and learning (in line with the Council Recommendation on language teaching and learning), building on the increasing linguistic diversity in schools, for example by: encouraging early language learning and awareness; developing bilingual teaching options, especially for border regions and/or in areas where inhabitants use more than one language; mainstreaming the use of new technologies to support language learning; supporting the integration of the language dimension across the curricula; focusing on reaching adequate competence levels by the end of compulsory education; promoting the creation of language aware schools. 

Increasing the levels of achievement and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This priority will include, among others: promoting the development of national STEM strategies; developing partnerships between schools, businesses, higher education institutions, research institutions, and wider society; promoting effective and innovative pedagogies and assessment; promoting the STE(A)M approach to education through interdisciplinary teaching of STEM in cultural, environmental, economic, design and other contexts, with the involvement of all academic disciplines. 

Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) and disadvantage, enabling success for all learners, including children with a migrant background, for example by: strengthening collaboration among all actors within schools, as well as with families, and other external stakeholders; improving transitions between different stages of education; fostering preventive and early intervention approaches; supporting networking of schools which promote collaborative and holistic approaches to teaching and learning; improving evaluation and quality assurance.

Developing high quality early childhood education and care systems (in line with the ECEC Council Recommendation), for example by: supporting initial and continuing professional development of all staff involved in organising, leading and providing early childhood education and care; creating, testing or implementing strategies and practices to foster participation of all children in early childhood education and care, including children in need of special support (e.g. children with disabilities, or children from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, children from a migrant background); promoting the implementation of the EU quality framework for quality early childhood education and care. 

Building capacity for promoting and facilitating recognition of learning periods abroad (including follow-up to the Council Recommendation on automatic mutual recognition), including promoting recognition of formal education and transversal competences developed through non-formal and informal learning, for example by:building administrative capacity of schools to support participation of pupils in transnational projects and peer exchanges, including by exploring the potential of intermediary bodies pooling the capacity of several schools; establishing sustainable partnerships between organisations setting cross-border learning exchanges in general education; promoting embedded class exchanges or pupil mobility in school programmes; ensuring appropriate safety standards for pupils participating in transnational mobility; developing and disseminating tools and mechanisms for the preparation, monitoring and recognition of periods abroad; and sharing and promoting good practices. 

Developing strong quality assurance systems to achieve high-quality inclusive education and enhance trust among countries in relation to the quality of their respective school education systems, for example by: supporting countries in developing synergies between internal and external evaluations, in engaging stakeholders in quality assurance processes, or in designing their quality assurance strategies in ways to support broad competence development.

The duration of the project can take place between 12 and 36 months.

Eligible activities within a school partnership project are the following:

  • Blended mobility of pupils and learners combining short-term physical mobility (5 days to 2 months; excluding travel days) with virtual mobility;
  • Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils (5 days to 2 months; excluding travel days);
  • Long-term study mobility of pupils (2 to 12 months).
  • Eligible participants within a school partnership project are the following:
  • Pupils of any age, accompanied by school staff (in short-term exchanges of groups of pupils);
  • Pupils aged 14 or older enrolled in full-time education at a school participating in the Strategic Partnership (in long-term study mobility of pupils);

The main funding components under a KA2 school education project are the following:

  • Project Management and Implementation costs
  • Transnational project meetings
  • Exceptional costs
  • Special needs support

In addition for cross sectoral Strategic Partnerships supporting innovation any intellectual outputs and multiplier events are also eligible.

For transnational learning, teaching and training activities within the strategic partnership: travel and individual support, linguistic support and exceptional costs, are eligible costs.

To support young people in participating in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, EUPA organises workshops and information sessions to provide information and support on how to apply for funding. Furthermore, EUPA offers one-to-one assistance in discussing project proposals, and officers are always available to support young people.

VET mobility programmes

EU (Erasmus+) funded VET mobility programmes belong to the VET educational context. These mobilities aim to place learners in companies and VET learners in schools. Mobilities are only for outgoing learners, and students go for short-term duration mobilities (2 weeks).

The Erasmus+ funding provides students with funding to cover travel, subsistence, and linguistic preparation expenses. 

Cross-border learning mobility - Tertiary education

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) which are established in a Programme Country and awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in advance by the European Commission can apply and participate in a KA1 Mobility project for higher education students and staff. In Malta there are 7 HEIs in possession of an ECHE charter.  The 3 most established HEIs which benefit on yearly basis from the Erasmus+ programme are University of MaltaMalta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and the Institute for Tourism Studies (ITS).

Student mobility:

  1. a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI);
  2. a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or relevant workplace.

A study period abroad may include a traineeship period as well. Such a combination creates synergies between the academic and professional experience abroad. It may be organised in different ways depending on the context: one activity after the other or both simultaneously. The combination follows the funding rules and minimum duration of study mobility.

To ensure high-quality mobility activities with maximum impact on the students, the mobility activity has to be compatible with the student’s degree-related learning and personal development needs. The study period abroad must be part of the student's study programme to complete a degree at a short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (Master or equivalent) and third or doctoral cycle. Traineeships abroad at a workplace are also supported during short-cycle, first, second, and third-cycle studies and within a maximum of one year after the student’s graduation. This also includes the 'assistantships' for student teachers. Wherever possible, the traineeships should be an integrated part of the student's study programme. Student mobility can be in any subject area/academic discipline.

Staff mobility:

  1. teaching periods: this activity allows HEI teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner HEI abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic discipline.
  2. training periods: this activity supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff through training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad. A period abroad can combine teaching and training activities.

The University of Malta participates in the Erasmus+ programme at tertiary level. University students proceed on an Erasmus+ mobility which is fully recognised as part of the course they would be reading with the University of Malta. The average duration of the mobilities for study purposes is mostly 1 semester (4-5 months) or a year (9 months).  Students who proceed on an Erasmus+ training mobility are allowed a minimum of 2 months up to 1 year, the average duration is that of 3 months. Academic and administrative staff exchanges to and from partner institutions are also catered for by the Erasmus+ programme.

The main purposes of students participating in the Erasmus+ programme are either to study for a period of time in a partner university in their field of studies or to carry out traineeships or research mainly linked to their future profession or degree. While on an Erasmus+ exchange, students are given the opportunity to follow the Online Language Support (OLS) services, which aim to improve a person’s language competencies while on Erasmus.

Staff members proceed on Erasmus+ to obtain more experience through the mobility of administrative/ technical staff or to carry out teaching and research through the academic mobilities.

Erasmus+ allows for both outbound and inbound mobility. The University sends and receives students through Inter-institutional Agreements specifically signed in relevant fields of studies that the partner universities have deemed mutually beneficial.  When undertaking Erasmus+ for training students are free to proceed to partner institutions and other institutions/ companies that may be relevant to their field of interest.

The minimum duration for beneficiaries to proceed on Erasmus+ is a minimum of 2 months, a maximum of 12 months for studies, a minimum of 2 months, and a maximum of 12 months for training. As stated above, on average, students proceed on study mobilities for about 1 semester (4 to 5 months) and proceed on traineeships for an average duration of 3 months. Under the current Erasmus+ programme students may proceed on both studies and traineeship mobilities. The average duration of staff exchanges is about 1 to 2 weeks.

The Erasmus+ grants beneficiaries receive consist of a travel grant, which is a lump sum calculated by the EU Commission according to their destination, and a monthly grant, also depending on destination. Similar progress is implemented for staff mobilities.

EU (Erasmus+) funded VET mobility programmes belong to the VET educational context. These mobilities' purpose is to place learners in companies and VET learners in schools. Mobilities are only for outgoing learners, and students go for short-term duration mobilities (2 weeks).

The Erasmus+ funding provides students with funding to cover travel, subsistence, and linguistic preparation expenses.

The Erasmus+ programme provides funding to cover:

a) the organizational support needed by entities to send and host participants

B) travel and individual support for each participant during their mobility abroad

C) and additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities

Promoting mobility in the context of non-formal learning, and of youth work

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) established in a Programme Country and awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in advance by the European Commission can apply and participate in a KA1 Mobility project for higher education students and staff. In Malta there are 7 HEIs in possession of an ECHE charter.  The 3 most established HEIs which benefit on yearly basis from the Erasmus+ programme are University of MaltaMalta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and the Institute for Tourism Studies (ITS).

Student mobility:

  1. a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI);
  2. a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or relevant workplace.

A study period abroad may include a traineeship period as well. Such a combination creates synergies between the academic and professional experience abroad. It may be organised in different ways depending on the context: one activity after the other or both simultaneously. The combination follows the funding rules and minimum duration of study mobility.

To ensure high-quality mobility activities with maximum impact on the students, the mobility activity has to be compatible with the student’s degree-related learning and personal development needs. The study period abroad must be part of the student's study programme to complete a degree at a short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (Master or equivalent) and third or doctoral cycle. Traineeships abroad at a workplace are also supported during short cycle, first, second, third cycle studies and within a maximum of one year after the student’s graduation. This also includes the 'assistantships' for student teachers. Wherever possible, the traineeships should be an integrated part of the student's study programme. Student mobility can be in any subject area/academic discipline.

Staff mobility:

  1. teaching periods: this activity allows HEI teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner HEI abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic discipline.
  2. training periods: this activity supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff through training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or another relevant organisation abroad. A period abroad can combine teaching and training activities.

The University of Malta participates in the Erasmus+ programme at tertiary level. University students proceed on an Erasmus+ mobility which is fully recognised as part of the course they would be reading with the University of Malta. The average duration of the mobilities for study purposes is mostly 1 semester (4-5 months) or a year (9 months).  Students who proceed on an Erasmus+ training mobility are allowed a minimum of 2 months up to 1 year, the average duration is that of 3 months. Academic and administrative staff exchanges to and from partner institutions are also catered for by the Erasmus+ programme.

The main purposes of students participating in the Erasmus+ programme are either to study for a period of time in a partner university in their field of studies or to carry out traineeships or research mainly linked to their future profession or degree. While on an Erasmus+ exchange, students are given the opportunity to follow the Online Language Support (OLS) services, which aim to improve a person’s language competencies while on Erasmus.

Staff members proceed on Erasmus+ to obtain more experience through the mobility of administrative/ technical staff or to carry out teaching and research through academic mobilities.

Erasmus+ allows for both outbound and inbound mobility. The University sends and receives students through Inter-institutional Agreements specifically signed in relevant fields of studies that the partner universities have deemed mutually beneficial.  When undertaking Erasmus+ for training students are free to proceed to partner institutions and other institutions/ companies that may be relevant to their field of interest.

The minimum duration for beneficiaries to proceed on Erasmus+ is a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months for studies and a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months for training. As stated above on average students proceed on study mobilities for about 1 semester (4 to 5 months) and proceed on traineeships for an average duration of 3 months. Under the current Erasmus+ programme students may proceed on both studies and traineeship mobilities. The average duration of staff exchanges is about 1 to 2 weeks

The Erasmus+ grants beneficiaries receive consist of a travel grant, which is a lump sum calculated by the EU Commission according to their destination, and a monthly grant, also depending on destination. Similar progress is implemented for staff mobilities.

EU (Erasmus+) funded VET mobility programmes belong to the VET educational context. These mobilities' purpose is to place learners in companies and VET learners in schools. Mobilities are only for outgoing learners, and students go for short-term duration mobilities (2 weeks).

The Erasmus+ funding provides students with funding to cover travel, subsistence, and linguistic preparation expenses.

The Erasmus+ programme provides funding to cover:

a) the organizational support needed by entities to send and host participants

B) travel and individual support for each participant during their mobility abroad

C) and additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities

Promoting mobility in the context of non-formal learning, and of youth work 

Erasmus+ offers opportunities to organise projects for the mobility of young people and youth workers.

Youth Exchanges allow groups of young people from different countries to meet and live together for up to 21 days to carry out a series of activities focusing on a relevant theme. These activities are planned and prepared by the participants involved in the project. The exchanges are open to young people aged 13-30 and last from 5 to 21 days. They can take place in a Member State or outside the EU. Exchanges must involve organisations from two or more countries. The EU grant supports travel and practical and activity-related costs necessary for the exchange.

For youth workers, organisations can take part in opportunities to support the professional development and network of youth workers, including activities such as:

  • seminars,
  • training courses,
  • networking events,
  • study visits, and
  • job shadowing/observation periods abroad.

Opportunities for youth workers can last from two days to two months, and must take place in the country of one of the participating organisations. Projects can include up to 50 people. The EU grant supports travel and practical and activity-related costs necessary for the mobility.

Youth Participation Activities: supports activities outside formal education and training that encourage, foster and facilitate young people’s participation in Europe’s democratic life at local, regional, national and European level. These youth-driven activities can be local, national, transnational and international projects.

In 2017 Aġenzija Żgħażagħ coordinated a project called 'Let's Talk about Life'. This project was a multilateral six-day exchange involving four countries: Poland, Ireland, Estonia, and Malta, the hosting country. 36 young people between the ages of 13 and 17 participated in the youth exchange. 

The primary theme of the exchange was focused on young people's life, with particular focus on Bullying and Gender Stereotyping. In line with this thematic focus, the project aimed at creating more awareness on the issue of gender stereotyping and bullying in public spaces where young people hang out and on social media through Peer Education. The project aimed to consolidate young people`s knowledge and understanding the ethical responsibility to prevent bullying and gender stereotyping and avoid being bystanders. By being aware of the impact of bullying and gender stereotyping, the young people were better equipped in bringing positive change and aware of their duty to stand up when discrimination takes place.

The project aimed to encourage young people to use their knowledge and abilities to create peer educational material that could be used with their peers. The methodologies utilized during the youth exchange included non-formal learning methods such as interactive workshops, team building activities, inter-cultural events, experiential experiences, and evaluation and reflective sessions.

As a result of the project, the participants became aware that injustices, discrimination, and bullying can be minimized by speaking up and not being indifferent, and hence becoming proactive citizens. Moreover, the project helped encourage young people to take on active roles in their respective communities, thus sustaining the European democratization process.

The project made use of  Erasmus+ funding.

The main mechanisms in place to monitor and ensure the quality of the programmes implemented were an APV at the start of the project during which management of project was discussed and various evaluation tools during the project  such as Mood Boards, comparing expectations shared on first day of the project to the participants experienced, mid-way evaluation activity, national group evaluations, daily leaders meeting, informal discussion about the project with the young people.

The main criteria and indicators used to assess the quality of programmes were a Presentation of exchange programme on the first day; a discussion and activity about the youthpass, the 7 competencies, youthpass journal; a daily reflection time with youth leaders from respective groups and the completion of Youthpass online

The main outcomes of quality assurance process given through the MT NA the European Union Programmes Agency.

Quality assurance

European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) constantly monitors closely all awarded projects through:

  1. Kick-off meetings with all beneficiaries
  2. General Monitoring Meetings
  3. Desk Monitoring
  4. Regular one to one meetings with all ongoing projects (bilateral meetings)
  5. On-site monitoring visits
  6. Quarterly round table meetings with all awarded Higher Education Institutions having an ongoing KA1 mobility project.
  7. Mobility tool training

In addition, the MT NA holds a number of checks both during the implementation of the project, therefore an on-the-spot check during the action, and after the project has been finalised, therefore an on-the-spot check after the action. The MT NA also conducts system checks on recurrent beneficiaries such as Higher Education Institutions. 

The MT NA closely monitors all 10 entities holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) through monitoring visits, by using the ECHE monitoring guide provided by the European Commission. Under the Higher Education sector HEIs as per ECHE principles, need to ensure that all students undergoing a mobility receive full recognition of their learning outcomes.

In 2021, Erasmus accreditation was also introduced. This gives organisations simplified access to Key Action 1 funding every year to implement their planned mobility activities and achieve the Erasmus Plan objectives. It is open to organisations in adult education, vocational education and training (VET), school education, and youth.

The MT NA also has the European Solidarity Corps Quality Label, which certifies that an organisation participating in the Corps is able to provide the necessary conditions for young people to participate in solidarity activities. An organisation can apply for a Quality Label for volunteering with a support and/or host role.

The main criteria for assessing the quality of the programmes consist in assessing the quality of outputs and deliverables against what is declared at application stage. In the latter, applications are assessed vis-à-vis adherence to Commission and local priorities. Following qualitative evaluation and financial evaluation, funding can be withheld (namely the final payment) if the programme is deemed unsatisfactory in terms of quality.

At the final report stage, funding may be withheld whenever the projects do not conform to the quality criteria when assessed against what is stated at the application stage.