10.2 Administration and governance of youth work
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The main responsibilities in youth work fall within 2 entities – Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Youth Work Profession Board.
Legal notice 522 of 2010 that established Aġenzija Żgħażagħ – the national youth agency - states that the agency is to carry out functions related to youth affairs and specifically to ensure the highest standards in youth work as well as to formulate, co-ordinate, manage and evaluate youthwork programmes which promote active youth participation and the empowerment of young people.
Youth Work Profession Board was established through the Youth Work Profession Act. The Board is responsible to establish and assess existing youthwork standards and develop new continuing youthwork professional development and other standards, and recommend to the Minister in responsible for youth in relation to initial and continuing youth work education, proficiency, experience and other qualifications required for youth work holding a warrant; consider, process and make recommendations to the Minister with regard to applications and recognition of qualifications in youth work; examine applications and make recommendations to the Minister on the award or refusal for a warrant to practice youth work in Malta thereof; keep an official register of all registered youth workers and youth work associations; make recommendations to the Minister on the Code of Ethics for the professional behaviour of youth workers; inquire into any allegation of professional misconduct, negligence or incompetence by a youth worker.
Cross-sectoral cooperation
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the National Youth Agency is charged with liaising and ensuring the necessary coordination between Government departments and other agencies in the implementation of youth policy and measures or initiatives proposed by Government ensuring quality standards in youth work. In this regard the agency collaborates with different Ministries including the Ministry for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing,the Ministry for Education and Employment, the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity, the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, the Ministry for Health and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through several youth work programmes. In such collaborations the either agency provides youth work expertise through professional youth workers that are engaged to work in such programmes or collaborates with the youth workers engaged with other agencies within the mentioned Ministries.