Aġenzija Appoġġ - Social Work Provision Agency
Aġenzija Sapport - Social Work Provision Agency
Aġenzija Sedqa - Social Work Provision Agency
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ - National Youth Agency
Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ - Alternative Democratic Party Youth Movement
Artivisti - A Culture Programme
Dar Osanna Pia - A shelter for homeless young people
Fondazzjoni Kreattività – A government entity created to take on the role of safeguarding a number of roles in Malta’s creative sector.
Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti - Labour Party Youth Movement
Karta Żgħażagħ -European Youth Card - An online support platform for young people to through SMS, e-mails, chat or discussion fora.
Konkors ta’ Kitba – Letteratura għaż-Żgħażagħ - a literature for young people funding scheme.
Kreattiv – A funding programme engages educators and creative practitioners in dialogue and collaboration while encouraging students and educators towards further engagement within the creative sector.
Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ - National Youth Council
Kunsill Studenti Universitarji - Universtiy Students’ Council
Mid-Dawl ghad-Dlam – An NGO set-up to help prisoners and their families undergo the prison experience with more dignity and self-esteem.
Moviment Żgħażagħ Partit Nazzjonalista - Nationalist Party Youth Movement
OASI – Drug and alcohol rehabilitation Centre
Premju tal-President għal-Kreattivita - A funding scheme launched by the Office of the President for creativity
Sir Sid Darek – A scheme to encourage tenants of apartments, houses and maisonettes Authority Housing and Property Department of the Government become home owners.
Spazzju Kreattiv – Malta’s National Center for Creativity
Studenti Demokristjani - Democratic Christian Students
ŻiguŻajg - A Youth Culture Festival